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00:05 Mhm. Okay. Uh huh. part of this I'm going to focus

00:13 . Oh, I think she's model which is the book I recommended

00:19 Uh huh It has maybe the best description of the custard processes. Uh

00:30 of the places I've seen uh there's lot of other stuff is more than

00:35 and I'm beginning to give up listing uh articles rather I'm leaving you the

00:44 when you see something that looks See if it's in we're reading uh

00:50 . I mean in the readings, it's not remind me that just

00:54 I've got a good head. so uh the customs systems cover not

01:03 particularly large area today, um and has relatively limited volume in the rock

01:15 and it's relatively poorly studied. So a long while the custard systems really

01:21 uh of much entrance promise. So also has a major source of eVAc

01:30 members And recently major source and reservoir hydro carpets. Now, about

01:42 Carbon production cost 20 and two is close to 2 20%. So that

01:48 has increased a huge amount, a of it in china. This is

01:55 old thing kind of basins are some the ones most there's also deep

02:05 So, salt basis. Well, and exactly here are increasingly some basics

02:16 Argentina, you've got a lot of offshore, but we'll be looking at

02:23 examples. Okay, uh three main uh then you probably have stared with

02:32 other and brazil and Indonesia. So see examples to see examples of those

02:44 we can through now if you want make a like one of the ways

02:49 is block during so you can play we'll do it. Uh dunes will

02:56 it a version like meander cut we'll do it, landslides, all

03:03 flaws and faults. All these are to create a way. Now they

03:09 in size lots. Bow lake is than uh like bonneville uh for a

03:16 lake uh and they vary in terms persistence. The second way though,

03:23 to create a whole because blocking drainage eventually it can overflow. And so

03:32 you create a whole then you can a long lived. And so I

03:37 subsidence uh volcanism, glacial scour like lakes, tectonic depression, uh foreland

03:47 basins, great tonic sags all these , particularly in terms of the majority

03:55 lakes being the result of tectonics. . Okay, uh Volcanism think of

04:01 . Okay. The variables that we're at. Um he is ultimately going

04:10 be climbing tectonics, but it's gonna climate, climate controls. Of

04:15 hydrology geology is largely affected by Time is the other variable that we

04:22 talk about so much. And The custom systems are more sensitive to

04:29 components than any of the other system at, But carbonates, that's

04:35 Okay, and I don't do So that's that's not my problem no

04:39 . You're so this is a diagram of focusing on those constraints.

04:47 technology Haley surface water issuing out groundwater out climate, precipitation. Batfish,

04:59 . Yeah. Oh biology of Uh life through time. But also

05:10 mechanisms by which the biological components get the system. So again, you

05:15 look at this at your leisure, it's all pretty intuitive. So for

05:20 characterize the festering systems tend to have marine no astronomical times now that that's

05:30 for those things. It says that the stuff I'm talking about the times

05:38 green setting down the plot, but turns out that there are wind set

05:43 times uh that Dominic marine time. we're going to look for this and

05:50 reduced weight action. That's true because fetches willing. Uh but again,

05:57 are areas like the great lakes are much so. These are generalizations,

06:02 you can also think exceptions. Uh lakes are episodically exposed, giving you

06:12 periodic uh yeah, precipitation that in carbon agent, etcetera. One of

06:21 things that really characterizes legs is extremely to climatic changes and so changes in

06:31 precipitation and resulted exceptionally large psychic changes system unlike anything that we can see

06:41 that time scale in the marine usually we assume that there is a

06:49 in brain size as we go towards center of the lake. We're going

06:53 see some exceptional exceptions to that. , you know, currents again towards

06:59 center. Again, we're going to exceptions that mainly because of the way

07:03 so we're gonna break the lake up different components. Yeah. Um typically

07:11 settlement programs. That's usually the Uh huh. They tend to have

07:17 granny jerry's had a really big grand leg sells off and the drainage

07:22 The sentiment continues. So Oh and , it can produce a lot of

07:30 departments. Uh huh um, so is the way it is like

07:38 subprime exists. There's electoral which is it sound mixing. Yeah. And

07:49 specifically was zone of mixing joseph to beach. Yeah. Think of it

07:56 the zone of weight build in recent this mixing town is death way base

08:07 because of it eyes mixed up because wipes and clearly that death will vary

08:14 on the section we when you get deeper zones we can subdivide here is

08:24 that next into the phone exonerated from for example something uh that to which

08:33 will penetrate some percentage. Uh huh that carries on to it. You

08:41 that that blow there from now we also think about not just the water

08:50 but the pathetic. So we get photo realism which is basically from the

08:59 to his own basically he had some something which dips into funding something.

09:09 a word that you have to it's all over the country. I've

09:14 heard before. Some scores. How of you have heard of that.

09:23 . But you know, it's very zone a little bit of this.

09:28 just means deep, deep portion of . Now if you look at the

09:36 , there is a component that is from outside. Allergic comes in,

09:47 comes in search down and depending only on uh you have a highly stratified

09:56 . uh the eight you may have anoxic zone which allow the preservation.

10:09 can have also happened. Auto genic . That's basically what Everything from Black

10:18 in many shapes. Uh The Yeah or gave contribution as it settles

10:28 the bottom. May or may not preserved depending on uh remaining just depending

10:37 the oxygen. But so the presence absence of oxygen debt huge very in

10:46 of the hydrocarbon potential under the custard and not a surprise when you look

10:55 the distribution of cryogenic components. Uh areas closest to the margin like are

11:03 and since coming from outside today. the center? That's where the focus

11:09 that for the highest concentration of internally 70s. Now this and the next

11:18 are but I think really creepy useful . This one's a little obligated to

11:29 basically it says um what is said it didn't come from? Well erosion

11:35 literal something. Right? That's Uh huh. Each of those and

11:43 you to christmas and a re suspension of that division said particularly from built

11:57 either its density currents or currents and um it's a population. So that

12:09 is not restricted to the bill Sandra redistributed throughout. Much of the

12:17 stuff comes in from here, comes ice stuff comes in from the fish

12:24 in now. This I think is little more useful diagram gee it says

12:34 same thing and so spend a little looking because I noticed you know to

12:40 the predisposition of generation shit on Canadian and they could come from being working

12:57 or were typically from delta including the . Here we go. Magic

13:06 I'll production zone is going to be thought itself. That's what blue red

13:14 . Okay. Any plans in the that it's an organ, it's a

13:24 , it can lead, it's gonna like now there's some things left out

13:31 particularly Burling assuming that object because they stuck and so we've got portions

13:44 they play that portions of life Now one of the keys in understanding

13:58 is understanding the water punching, you water that enters the system and leaves

14:04 system. Uh the input train on lake subsurface surface florida nourished and grab

14:14 which want to leave early evaporation, surface outlet, the groundwater reached.

14:28 there is a water budget just like a settlement and we need to understand

14:34 but especially the water but you do lakes because when we classify, look

14:41 the different characteristics. So much of control. Now there's the variety of

14:49 . Platform yeah. Sailing in for close radio ephemeral to supplement great stratification

15:01 lastly overfilled. Uh huh I will probably more time on overfilled under field

15:10 that's a classification that was developed and by uh, Exxon Research and is

15:18 pretty much the norm for uh, geologists. Looking at uh custom petroleum

15:26 . Having said that these are Looking at each of these.

15:34 Open you basically have positive water There is more set, more water

15:42 in. Uh, then you can the story who has a surplus.

15:49 you have and so specification plus his . Now when we look at open

16:10 , we're mainly looking at rich. means there are isn't a biological,

16:16 it's not gonna be chemicals. It's going to be a battery. Can't

16:21 sense. So again, here's a influence. There's a shaman.

16:31 what we do, We're done. line that is going to be the

16:38 case is temperature based density stratification. when the delta hasn't moving, some

16:50 it comes up as a clue. of it, this boy did some

16:56 the water is safe. Some of can't make it have sex entity.

17:04 you face a lot of it was to be Not a 7, 7

17:15 . I'm talking goes period. Home , muds Orlandini. Well,

17:27 Argument that homogeneous model where there is slow rates of devastation by a lot

17:37 applications. Yeah, you can see it's past the thermal klein, sometimes

17:47 the fault zone. Uh huh. get less and less like and particularly

17:52 this stratification, so strong fixing of materials. We begin to have stratified

18:01 you didn't send, it's laminated because can live there and by the

18:09 whatever organic material it is coming down is going to remain reduced heading the

18:15 come hard to Carlos. Yeah. this is what you might typically

18:20 Uh It does show a general Yeah, it's fun. Yes,

18:28 . Look for example, uh you've clay all the way to the edge

18:36 . Sand over here. Thank you much. So, the idea is

18:44 a simple ball of the concentric donation is wrong in detail. Okay.

18:57 . Yeah. So let's look at next. There isn't a major outside

19:07 at least the outflow is too small inflow of precipitation. Yeah, more

19:18 comes in then a like a yeah, basically it has a lot

19:25 evaporation. It has an unstable late . I've been fluctuating and as a

19:33 of saline and this will see the . You tend to have uh chemical

19:44 . If you look at the increase , the game specification. Get a

19:55 . Mhm Jackson's other males. Why may be concentrated, we get significant

20:04 level. Mhm patterns are chemically driven as well as the possibility conversion sent

20:22 open legs are perennial legs. Uh some point you begin to get a

20:32 . There's a threshold beyond it. legs will only fill. Now you're

20:38 of the year. Okay. And eventually you get your point where?

20:45 , that's it. So so we look at this transition as a function

20:56 of catch big dictionary. You can a lot of work. So And

21:07 over here plan. Uh huh. a range the testing area. Open

21:15 box. Uh huh. Even with large testing area opportunity salt. So

21:24 can go from perennials, ephemeral stop application. My army changing the

21:31 Just like all our fluctuations which is more common. Yeah. Let's go

21:40 to stratification. Uh huh. Oh only gets to certain death. Therefore

21:49 heating. What part of like Emily served below some death. You have

22:00 temperature. And that's because that is dead space walk. Yeah, it's

22:09 surface we have a surface layers. call them now that knowledge remember FB

22:21 FDA surface season. You'll see that and uh slides that I should the

22:31 and yet it's well mixed. There's much of a great this is Mexico

22:43 You have out there that had up here. This is the sound

22:49 cool for warming the depression and that to a decrease in temperature.

23:00 And it's a fairly rapid now it in an increase in density.

23:11 So the thermal comic can also be technical which is a so increasing density

23:21 the picnic line is more general because are other ways to get density changes

23:27 same temperature and most comedy is So it's not uncommon. The head

23:37 differences to kind of pass stratification. Saline water. I'm here today.

23:46 water coming in obviously. So you envision a situation fresh water coming into

23:53 ending into a saline lake. It's be strategy. Yeah. Yeah.

24:01 to be permanently stratified where they can with her overturning means that mixing layer

24:08 down, flushes the static route. can also see what so let them

24:20 . Well, you'll see new objective . Not sure yet. And work

24:29 me. So here's other typically Yeah. And in this particular case

24:40 it's stratified and fixing is limited to option. Get surfaces all over

24:50 Yeah. And therefore it's an oxen that is the best situation for preserving

24:58 apartments. Now you do have went its current and clearly the size of

25:07 lake. The weight, climate, climate was determined to help absorb.

25:14 here's your bible. Yes, we going 4, 4. The water

25:21 up on the down on the side it depresses that density difference and what

25:31 does eventually is against Russia. Forward for your help. Well,

25:39 here. Yeah. Well in here got the same thing in the ocean

25:43 combo margins. So that's a progressive that's happened. Well, yeah.

25:52 what we're thinking thinking you think of storm? Okay. Uh, it's

25:58 gentle winds is just Yeah. And you've got a big storm winds,

26:05 water files up. It actually goes as a search. Wyndham Research.

26:13 like hurricanes do toast. And in process of downloads and that increases the

26:20 thing it can decrease or destroy. . Yeah. Now when you think

26:28 when didn't just features many of the that we see on the coastline we

26:38 on big legs. Well again, parents apartments. Wait. So you

26:49 have a lot of settlement set into of the way phase that is actually

26:58 to the shop. His longshore currents be it in a lake that women

27:09 also produce. The center generated deeper in motion. Hello? Yes.

27:20 that are called 7th drifts and you get we combined protect those clothes from

27:31 . Talk more about people. The being that it's not a gentle paleo

27:39 sentiment coming from the edge of the to the neck protected with larger

27:48 So this is the vertical section like . Mrs draft. Yes. This

27:58 here. You can of course may fix. Yes. Four. I'm

28:08 up the chunky. Yeah belong you make it laminated panic. Richmond

28:20 And what is it showed you should is you can get fed and potential

28:27 strong ST sucks in the G Yes. And these those spikes,

28:38 of them are actually far sand We'll talk about a segment now in

28:47 . It's really very much like a marine coastal sentence. You go from

28:59 is it about this oxygen already on in the great advance. Your farm

29:10 increasingly course 3 16 spot You get driving range and do seven infrastructure on

29:23 apps investigation cracks. That's basically Three. Okay. And we'll

29:36 yeah, So these are kind of parallel for the receipt that you might

29:45 between stratified abstract opening from snakes. . I talked about perennial family salt

29:56 . Uh Federalist votes and basically go apply it or salted here. You

30:05 typically mobile fans saM Fox news military into sailing with plants and then it

30:20 this can fight. Uh huh. soon he was courage without grievous.

30:28 you talk about this morning? We'll about this. Okay. Whatever he

30:33 , I trust him counting models. ? So here's our flying leg.

30:41 a Louisville fans river. This whole is from the water that long ago

30:46 rain. You little bit of water . Mm black cracks. A lot

30:55 that in this particular case Jepson inter with with red organic oxidized bloodstock.

31:08 you could actually invasion no easy a prominently one saving strength to solve.

31:26 go back to that diary and think what happens is the climate area.

31:31 dries up. And so the lower , um, the culture led stones

31:39 oil ship. This is the but that center as the water graves

31:50 are willing to expose price eventually to into a permanent salt raid this

32:02 So this seats and the sequence, , that it's fairly consistent. An

32:11 one for economic reasons on is related the cyclist drying up. So would

32:22 would have mattered and longer that if you look at the Aral

32:27 Yes. Yeah, that's a that's a very recent. Uh,

32:36 certainly from the alluvial lakes in the part that you asked to today in

32:44 years. We've gone from from 100 deep lakes to clients. And if

32:52 go to, oh Argenti. Get specific, we have, hey

33:05 race into it. More alluvial I mean, and the fans are

33:17 green for what they call fluids. is called ST I'm asking.

33:31 okay. Mhm. So that's just here. We went to, I

33:38 , I went, it's happening in way itself because the fans ready

33:48 we got to Syria and see it we're talking about. So what's happened

33:57 nonsense alternation reservoirs and what's happening in same thing that's driving these changes in

34:07 fans. I'm sorry. Is it to apply sequence strata graph frameworks to

34:17 . Uh, it can be applied lakes. Uh, it's very different

34:24 . Uh, scale all you see oh some seismic sections. We're basically

34:36 the same approach. Uh the rapidity best stand this probably that's not as

34:44 to use here in some places. let's look at what's going on.

34:51 . Uh in Argentina during the protection the system that protected sailing left harry

35:04 not much longer. Clearly a close have elaboration. You got a call

35:12 state third because the high evaporation is the lake corner salt to saline

35:20 What water does come in which is . So yeah, now because mr

35:31 , you got it, Jason arian the movie fans for me, you'll

35:37 see it. Yeah. And I wet or advises the government breakfast has

35:48 rises, it begins to flood Reword that margin sent. Yeah,

35:57 already said now where did you What's going into the ocean coming into

36:03 lake? Now it's not a stratified . We're not actually. So what

36:10 getting as we're getting more it's seven water shaking below the less dense

36:21 Now we've got these they're called hypertechnical . They're like turbulence. Yeah but

36:30 . Thank you. Dennis River fed . So we went from Aaron with

36:43 too bad lights and back rides Gibson life to let like expands introduction the

36:54 and traditional sediment sam. What did m 1? What would be the

37:03 frame. Okay. Um this I want but it hasn't repeatedly their

37:12 So what you got is in that example. This is been a pretty

37:27 we restricted say they would. MR . Yeah. Yeah plastic interval I

37:38 to take my clothes. This is 100 pack my clothes. Here are

37:49 residents. The that really is your . So just as we have climatically

38:01 cycles. The alluvial fans And I add the only 12 on the periphery

38:09 the leg. We have climatically induced . The thing that makes itself giving

38:19 risk. So these are the custom recipe ports. Again I'll talk about

38:31 probably tomorrow the same price. Oh what controls lake tight what we said

38:41 budget service but also a potential So um electrically and a great

38:54 Trial Yes and right still is So in this particular case what we're

39:04 at or half grommets you don't have be but that's a good wait

39:13 So this half problem. Right. Thank you best. Uh huh.

39:22 you. Mhm. Okay so we've to sell so that is very let's

39:32 how. Mhm. On the left is the great and put fear supplying

39:45 really water incent because you can't get so you're increasing even worse now measure

39:56 thought of precipitation of information. More . So because this is a really

40:09 our air potential accumulation that proportion is If you have one of acute of

40:20 science but no brain. Yeah the yeah if you have a lot of

40:29 set some signs so in between rivers the only yeah let's so and this

40:43 let's just take something are we're increasing so rivers flooded water they're actually overfilled

41:00 budgets cost. But now as science came to Christie it can't keep

41:14 there's the water it can keep up it is more or less here's over

41:23 here's announced which means all the air will overrun the food on them and

41:33 topic you know it's kind of hard this period we had very little to

41:39 lot of society create other. Yes we get all of their books and

41:49 can change your mind increasing water and or not as easily about changing society

42:01 trades, tectonic modern center fill rate going to be Kanye uh huh So

42:09 like an overfilled what? And this our open right? You talk

42:19 okay you help us dominated attrition set and in this particular case we gotta

42:29 all every year fruit and to get steep high really gorgeous with a series

42:39 moves your fans, can you recall onions with deep lake wow and then

42:49 this side here you'll recall that almost problems we have a low relief orange

42:59 and larger range so you get different of guilt coming in here on

43:11 Oh and you'll notice your milk there So now look at this. Yeah

43:22 properties. You basically have a fair . And you have that this water

43:30 culturally the water level is defined by silk. The open late will always

43:37 a constant water level and it will provocation just like a high steps.

43:46 gets us back to the question of to ticket. But when we begin

43:51 look at the scale, we can to look at question it in

43:58 Now we're not essentially always fill Yes, yes you could potentially fill

44:06 the boy get over left in this . Okay, so here is a

44:19 appropriating. Wake up good. Now variety characteristics about the signs. A

44:39 of them have to do with petroleum properties. I'm actually I can read

44:46 to you it immediately and you'll be interested in life. So I want

44:53 to get a sense of the different for petroleum for hydro car accident.

45:08 hydrocarbon potential is very sensitive system. the information. Sure. Now here

45:20 and here is more or less see kind of fluctuation stuff but because it

45:32 water level will vary. So too based on baseball in life he's got

45:41 and okay, so here we have series of showing up actually. So

45:51 huh and they're more likely to getting excuse then we are in me open

46:08 executive water. That's because the variation their decreasing solidity. Open lady is

46:16 to be fresh. Yeah, putting for like backwards. Uh, probably

46:23 never. Uh huh. We're going see the Annapolis namely but this is

46:37 issue. So uh huh Let me to get to somebody that big

46:50 But I can't. So we were talking about no. Um well,

47:01 me again. This is a discussion which under filled and here to engage

47:10 lot more. Yeah, I'm a to this time. Yes. You

47:23 our overfilled Yeah, predominantly religions. material dominate the physical setting infrastructures.

47:36 gradation. High power versus this But look what happens as we reduce

47:45 amount of orders to go from Whoa. Well, what do you

47:56 ? Less and less plastics and more more compartments we need to continue to

48:05 towards close obvious a big concern The physical sediment infrastructure for being

48:18 Biological. Okay, barbecues been replaced to go from Prague gradation that you

48:36 by biodiversity. Well, apparently In five nothing special. So I'm gonna

48:48 there. We'll continue next time on . Bring the notes. Does everybody

48:56 have access £20? Pretty Yeah. you can down. I'm not going

49:04 get uh the last set Absolutely. touch see uh, everything but that

49:10 song. Uh huh. And we'll up uh, wakes will go to

49:18 Aeolian. And essentially any luck at . We would have done the Continental

49:24 of violence. Okay.
