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00:02 I'm the best student off of the . Okay, well then if you

00:10 questions then let's just um let's just get started with this evening lecture and

00:22 afternoon's lecture and that's gonna be on source estimation. And then on modeling

00:31 modeling, inverse modeling Of which there both two d. and three

00:37 versions. Alright, so deficit refers potential fields are typically mean basements.

00:50 ? Hello, did you have a ? No, I don't know what

00:56 was. Okay. So yeah, we were thinking of base in

01:11 So structures in the basin. if you think, I mean if

01:18 in an area where there might be some, you know, intrusions,

01:25 cells or dikes or you know, kind of lack a with some kind

01:31 volcanic intrusion, you might do do this work for that. And

01:40 couldn't do it. I guess if wanted to with gravity data and

01:44 but we'll talk more about that. Typically people use depth source, they're

01:52 about magnetic data. And the reason that is as I think we talked

02:00 uh sedimentary rocks are essentially not effectively not magnetic. And that means

02:08 um you know, in the basement are very magnetic comparably so in most

02:16 , almost all cases when you're looking magnetic anomalies over over a mapped

02:21 you are looking at anomalies produced by rocks, the rocks beneath the sedimentary

02:31 . And all of these methods, are several methods, they're all based

02:37 wavelength, in fact just like all long wavelengths mean deep sources,

02:45 You get reflection data. All your frequencies are generated, you know,

02:50 the shallow part. And then you don't have any energy. You

02:53 they get they get absorbed. Those frequencies get absorbed faster than longer low

03:00 . So what you end up with just you know, low frequencies in

03:04 deep part of the science section. with gravity data, you tend to

03:10 that long wavelengths are produced by deep . And the same with with magnetic

03:18 . Now there's there's a in a where rocks are homogeneous then you could

03:26 a shallow source that will produce a Waverly but in the real world they

03:30 do that. So the methods are graphical methods which date back to the

03:40 . And then there are uh profile that are automated um um that worked

03:51 profile data. So those are like D. Methods. You can think

03:56 it that way. And then there's methods, you can think of those

03:59 three D. Methods. And in cases you would you know, you

04:05 a window across your map of various to estimate source depths in that

04:12 And profile methods, automated one, pass different windows and two D.

04:19 , you know along the profiles. here's what I'm talking about. So

04:27 is just a little sketch. Um it illustrates illustrates very well what's going

04:36 . So for example here we have base in this yellow here to sediments

04:42 down here would be our basement Right? So we have two different

04:46 three different compositions. Actually, we this dark purple composition, then we

04:51 this sort of tan and this kind brown color. And here's a hypothetical

04:59 anomaly over there. So what you is this this sword. And this

05:08 be in the northern hemisphere, south on the left, north is on

05:12 right. So the inclination here would about 45° because the source is right

05:19 this this gradient. And so this be like a high low pair,

05:24 ? But even though this is a big amplitude anomaly, it's pretty deep

05:32 that's because of its wavelength is broader these other ones. Okay, and

05:41 this one here is about this contrast is about the same depth, but

05:47 producing actually a wavelength that's similar to , it just doesn't have as high

05:51 amplitude. So the contrast isn't as . And then these structures here,

05:57 producing these very low attitude anomalies. um short wavelengths. So, you

06:05 that what these depths are based on wavelength, not the amplitude. And

06:11 think I made a big deal about last week, but and I will

06:15 to um as we move along. as you move forward because this is

06:21 how you look at magnetic data. want to look at wavelengths, you

06:25 want to look at amplitudes are They're important for terrain boundaries. See

06:31 a here's a composition change here and producing this amount. So that's what's

06:37 . So this is the idea that of underpins all of these methods.

06:42 they're all searching to map source depths wavelengths. So for example, let's

06:51 remember we looked at some gulf of maps last week and here's a reduced

06:55 pole um of magnetic data. So could if you, you know,

07:04 you were so inclined you you could , Okay, this is a this

07:09 This is 2°. So that's 220 You could look at these things and

07:17 sort of like the half wavelength and could estimate its source depth or the

07:24 way. What's the rule of phone steps is four, is wavelengths are

07:33 times a source step or or Links are two times of source

07:38 Right? So when you do that of work, you want to look

07:42 anomalies that can be isolated. And where all these arrows is pointing

07:46 Just pointing out anomalies that you could those sort of estimates from where some

07:53 would be a little bit difficult. . So we can start the beginning

08:02 I think Peter's 1949. It might one of the original papers on these

08:07 methods and your family called a slope . And there's a bunch of

08:19 a good summary papers written by M- where he covers all of these

08:29 But the slope method is basically, your magnetic anomaly and you draw this

08:39 line through the gradient and where that that um where that straight line,

08:55 know, departs from the from the . You mark those lines here and

09:02 horizontal distance s that is proportional to source depth. And you you divided

09:12 um or or you scale it by they call a structural whatever an index

09:20 for. So for peters For the slope is 1.6. And I think

09:29 it's less than that for the slope . So for the half slope

09:33 you do the same thing, You this line. But then you calculate

09:39 of that slope and you find where slope is tangent to the profile and

09:46 horizontal distance is um uh is it to the source steps? So you

09:59 the slope line, then you figure what the half slope of that would

10:03 . And you draw the tangent of . And then you measure from that

10:08 point to that tangent point. And the Peters method and you would multiply

10:14 by 1.6. And I think as would multiply by two, probably.

10:22 that's the idea that that you measured distance of commonality. Now you have

10:31 make sure you're drawing on the right . So for example, back

10:36 you wouldn't want to do the slope on this side of the anomaly.

10:42 if you're working in the northern you know that you have a

10:45 low pair. So it is that in between a high low pair,

10:52 is what you're going to measure the from. So does all that make

10:58 ? Stephanie? Yes. So if were in the southern hemisphere would be

11:03 other side. That's exactly right. in the southern hemisphere, this gradient

11:09 be going the other direction and it be, it would be like right

11:15 . Exactly. Yeah. The highest of the source body in the southern

11:21 and the south of the source body the northern hemisphere. Just remember that

11:25 highest opposite the hemisphere. Right? the highest south of the source body

11:30 the where we're at in the northern . Okay, well shells, bob

11:43 um drew, he made several uh several graphs to help make further corrections

11:57 for estimating source steps. So in one, so on the, on

12:02 left is the distance between the half half maximum slope points. So you

12:10 that distance here and you plotted against distance between inflection points here and then

12:20 , so these are the with over ratios of source bodies and this is

12:27 parent inclination angles. And so where where your, you know this when

12:33 plot the half maximum slope distance versus half inflection point distance can fall somewhere

12:42 here and then you can make a , You can figure out what the

12:48 depth ratio was of your source. you see back in the day,

12:55 would spend a lot of time examining single profile to try to figure out

13:01 you know what what what what it , you know, what depth was

13:06 source that produced it. Okay. then he has this other chart here

13:13 that the width of the block. if you got to be your width

13:15 the block, you plotted here with black in depth units, right?

13:22 then this is the distance between half slope points. You can plot it

13:27 here. And then from here, are you measuring here? You're getting

13:33 I guess this is a dip this is uh feed. Yeah,

13:39 must be the must be their This must be the diff I guess

13:49 yeah. Anyways, um we nowadays we all this stuff is pretty much

13:56 computerized, so we don't have to around and do this kind of

13:59 but that's what people used to do . Um but you know, now

14:08 we have computers, there's several programs work on profiles that basically, you

14:14 , measure, you know, they the data at increments along some predetermined

14:22 , right? And typically what we is all these methods you start with

14:27 small window or a big window and either increase or decrease. So you

14:31 have you might make five or six over the profile with different sized

14:39 And then um Actually the very first that was done on this was done

14:45 using analytic signals. Hilbert transform by back in the 70s. But really

14:53 wasn't. But well Warner did this in 53 but a lot of this

14:59 was all developed in the 80s and . So you know, not a

15:06 of computers were just beginning of computer . So the three profile based methods

15:12 show you that have been used commercially Warner which is actually my favorite.

15:19 oiler and there's naughty naughty. Was is very rare. It was developed

15:27 a company owned by C. G. Called JIA Terex. And

15:32 were the only company to use They didn't let other people use their

15:37 , Warner was was uh developed was , you know first Was first developed

15:47 this guy named Warner back in He was German and there's probably the

15:53 papers that Hartman and others from I worked at Aero service and Aero

16:00 used this method and their interpretation Um and then Oiler method was developed

16:11 a guy named dan Thompson And our which is uh salsa oiler homogeneity equation

16:21 it was expanded to three D. by Alan Reed. So I want

16:28 recognize that the equation of the total produced by an infinite strike death.

16:32 other words, he has a it's called the thin sheet model.

16:39 . And It's samples in this case seven. It will sample across some

16:48 seven times. And what it does it solves for uh the location X

16:55 C. Of the source dip strike magnetic inclination. Well, well I'm

17:02 , I'll take it back if you into it, the magnetic declination declination

17:07 it finds X. Z. And susceptibility and um yeah and then so

17:20 are the four unknowns X, A and B A and B and

17:22 strike. Um So to solve exactly, you could just sample

17:30 you know, you have you have unknowns sample data four spots. So

17:35 can solve them explicitly but there's probably noise in there. So in practice

17:41 we do is we sample sample like times assuming some noise component. And

17:47 we have four unknowns and seven samples it's over determined. So you solve

17:52 by least squares and that's what it . So as this window moves along

17:58 profile, it will sample at seven solved this in some noise and it

18:03 have a solution and how it works practice is that we put limits on

18:12 many solutions, you know how if there's a cluster of solutions. If

18:18 close together in X and Z, there's enough of them within certain

18:24 then it will save that one. it will or it will save it

18:28 something else will save all of But it will like remember that

18:32 Right? So what's what's the thin model? The thin sheet model

18:40 let's start with a So if you a vertical sheet um Dich it will

18:47 an anomaly at a pole position that symmetric about that about that sheet.

18:56 ? Well, if you turn that a side so it's horizontal and it

19:02 produce a total fuel anomaly. Like , right? Where the center of

19:07 here is right in the inflection, is at the pole. Again,

19:12 , the horizontal gradient of that produces symmetric anomaly like this, which is

19:18 it's an edge detector, right? it's finding that edge which is just

19:22 the total field solution of the vertical while a block who produced the same

19:27 anomaly as a horizontal sheet. So water does is it makes a bunch

19:34 passes of the total field profile and bunch of passes under horizontal gradient

19:41 So the total field solutions are a bit deeper. And the gradient

19:46 the edge solutions are a little So it produces a set of two

19:52 of solutions and again, each one it the ones that generates that you

20:01 are based on, you know, criteria that you set up that where

20:08 says in some specific action Z It will it will plot those because

20:16 enough solutions in that range. So hope that makes sense. Let me

20:22 you how it works and then we go back if you want. So

20:27 is an example of a project that did. And what I do is

20:31 one head I used to machines So I have on one hand I

20:36 a map and in this case I'm gravity data. I'm plotting magnetic data

20:42 gravity data. So the little map one here is magnetic data and the

20:50 area is graduated. So I it's I have a high res survey here

20:57 I want to contextualize it in some . And then you see superimposed on

21:03 are some other feet other data and explain this in a second. But

21:09 over here I have my database and shows the total field which is this

21:15 profile and the horizontal gradient and then my depth solutions. Right. Well

21:22 on the other monitor I plot the section. So one of these lines

21:27 here is plotted here and in here imported the generic open file basement surfaces

21:36 line here. And then the top is the magnetic anomaly profile and I've

21:42 my little mag gravity software. This what we'll be using next week.

21:49 checked it to read in your gradient total horizontal gradient as the gravity.

21:56 he says gravity here but it's not horizontal gradient. It was let's just

22:03 at these separately. So here's what got on the left screen the map

22:08 so the procedures I look at cross and the map at the same

22:13 Always back and forth back and forth and forth because I I want to

22:19 at how this how these solutions are in the death panel. But I

22:25 want to think about them in terms what's around them. So on here

22:30 have control this plot. There's some that penetrate basement. So as I

22:35 close to those I need to pay to that. In fact what I

22:39 do is I will start interpreting the in and around where these well penetrations

22:47 and in fact that's how I tune Warner solutions. I because you can

22:52 around with the parameters and I do until I get solutions that are plotting

22:57 that are you know that that cluster hence are plotted in such a way

23:02 they are consistent with these source Then as I work work through this

23:07 it's a tedious and time consuming job kind of worked out from here but

23:15 can also put on this map. kind of interpretation. Someone might have

23:20 might have a plan view interpretation of . Um I think these contours are

23:25 file basement contours which is very smooth here and well I could put refraction

23:31 on here. I could put some line location if I have some reflection

23:36 on here. But yeah so you see this is the magnetic day.

23:41 very beautiful survey and it's more more gravity. Okay now on the other

23:47 here I've got all the my little panel with the this is it says

23:53 but I've actually imported mag corals on gradient and I have the total field

23:58 here and these red solutions are total solutions and the blue ones are horizontal

24:06 and basically you get like a pear typically you're looking for the solution is

24:12 to be like basically between these you and how I would pick this is

24:18 look for where there's nice clusters of so you know whether it's just like

24:25 around kind of like randomly you know want to see him nice and

24:30 So here's a nice high low So I pick it there, I

24:34 it here and I pick it here here and so my basement surface I

24:38 is shaped something like this. And I picked these things I go back

24:46 I make a field in my database new channel and I put that depth

24:52 there and that's how how I do and I think everyone else does it

24:57 . And at the end of the for each one of these lines,

25:00 gonna be a bunch of depths that picked. That I will then spit

25:04 and interpret um maybe make a grid them but then interpret that. So

25:11 . So basically this is the concept this is true for all of these

25:15 these methods. And if you think it, it's the same way the

25:19 methods work that I was telling you . All right. So right.

25:30 it passes several windows of increasing or and it samples it so they can

25:37 know do a least squares and uh and strike and position. And it's

25:50 on this and this is how I shoot any questions on that.

25:58 it makes sense. Okay, Alright. So oiler is is very

26:07 the same except I use a structural instead of a thin sheet source.

26:15 and if what depending on you pick or three, it might represent some

26:24 meaning. Might be a line of , point, pole, line of

26:27 poles or appoint die pole. And is uh I think David Thompson,

26:34 Thompson. David, Thompson. David I think in any case he was

26:39 our co and then um yeah, it's the same idea. You picked

26:45 and this oilers based based on hoarders relationship which is partial differential equation with

26:53 degree of homogeneity. The structural Okay, is the structural index.

27:01 , that's what one of these look . So you can see you start

27:04 get the idea here that that these look kind of crazy. But what's

27:11 here is as as these various windows this thing, you can see they

27:17 to draw and then when it finds lot of them it starts drawing a

27:20 of them, then it disappears as goes away from it. And different

27:26 sizes show you that these are different . That's the whole thing and the

27:31 thing with with with here water. ? So in between here it's still

27:36 it's still solving for deaths but there's it's you know, they're sort

27:42 you know, because the algorithm has , you know, it's not going

27:46 fail, right? So but it's they start to cluster is where you

27:50 having confidence and you can really see in in in in the you

27:54 So here is this anomaly is right in the gradient there and so the

28:01 are right where there's minimum maximum, like you would imagine from some model

28:09 . Okay, so here is a case history. Um this is uh

28:18 of oiler in a study in in Sinai Peninsula um here's a regional geology

28:26 and on the on the right is magnetic anomalies. This is Milligan.

28:32 mean gammas rather nano Tesla. So a legend here, that explains what

28:38 these rock types are and they're all except black. That's pre Columbian

28:44 Everything else, there's sedimentary rocks of ages. And the red ID dash

28:53 is, you know, corresponds to this match Arrow Mag Survey. So

29:00 the next slide, I'm going to you this little cross section here through

29:05 gulf of Suez. So that's a geologic cross section. And then I'm

29:11 show you L. Two L. , right? Which goes through through

29:19 . And then this Mt magneto tularik which goes through right right through these

29:27 um pre Columbian where this pre Columbian rides. Okay, so we'll probably

29:34 to flip back and forth. But just look at L. Two.

29:37 . One. Okay, L 12 goes strikes to the northeast and just

29:43 of its center is the northern end the MT two Mt one which is

29:48 magnitude to look right. So that's on the left, L two.

29:55 1. Remember that goes from southwest northeast and right about here, strike

30:02 north to south this M. Line. So actually um yeah.

30:10 so they've interpreted just some vertical features . They're talking they think these are

30:15 . And then they're suggesting that these structures they could be. But basically

30:22 can see what they're picking in these oiler solutions. And then here's the

30:27 . T. M. T. then In the Gulf of Suez,

30:33 this geologic cross section that shows the of, this is the sort of

30:38 in geometries like they're expecting to And it's sort of guides what

30:42 how they're interpreting these things here. the way. This was a usgs

30:47 section from 1998. So very Not , but this paper is 2015.

30:54 it is evidently there's not a lot , you know, presuming that they

30:59 their research. Okay. So that cross section was here and then the

31:08 goes right through here, right? their basement. And I think there's

31:14 , there's a big compositional change And that's what they're saying that this

31:19 high is right there. So, know, you're going, everything is

31:24 negative and maybe, you know, little bit positive, but then you

31:29 this big anomaly here and that's a fair interpretation composition changes produce big

31:37 And then, um, right, this line doesn't, doesn't cross

31:43 This is this is this goes from to 250 gammas. So, you

31:49 , it's just going right right through part here. Okay. Um,

32:00 questions about that? No, Okay, good. So the last

32:08 one profile based, automated one is naughty, like I said, you

32:12 see this kind of rare in fact days. You might be surprised.

32:19 . You might be surprised if you people that actually know what you're talking

32:22 when you mentioned this, But this developed again in the 70s and here's

32:27 little case history in uh, over Lincoln in south Australia. And,

32:38 this is what his fellow name She. So here's the cross actually

32:43 from A to B from northwest of and here it is along here.

32:49 it's pretty flat actually. You there's some little amplitude anomalies here and

32:54 pretty flat because you got this really anomaly here at the, at the

32:59 end of it. And then here's depth solutions. Now this is

33:03 this is a little service. This only, this is only 50,800 m

33:08 even six km. This is only seven km. So it's a small

33:13 And zooming in on the cross You see it's, it only goes

33:17 0 to 150 m. So they're for shallow sources and here's their little

33:24 sources. Um, Yeah, There's a mining well, 33

33:37 Where's that? Oh, these oh, I'm sorry the wells are

33:43 black. All these lining walls are these black things and the depth solutions

33:48 from these blue X, I Yeah. So they found this one

33:55 and this one is, they didn't find it, but they found these

34:00 right here. Yeah, that's how works. Right. The Blue Xs

34:03 the oilers, I mean the, naughty solutions. Well, um in

34:12 , Alan Reed wrote this, it's a geophysics paper and it's like in

34:18 top five cited papers of all it's a very well read paper by

34:23 of people. Um So they calculate in X, Y. Z.

34:35 they, and it's based on a of square, you know, square

34:42 , square windows that pass over the the magnetic data and they saw before

34:49 , rock property etcetera. Using some that's defined in three D. Um

34:57 really good paper explains this is U to 2014 wasn T. L.

35:06 . And these figures are are from . So these shows kind of kind

35:10 a dyke and then an intrusion here then maybe a cell here that's still

35:16 bit deeper. And then here are examples of using three crustal three structural

35:25 over two different window sizes. So get you get a lot of things

35:30 play with with these these methods. yeah, you can spend a lifetime

35:36 around with it by the end of day, you have to, you

35:39 , make some decisions, but so think the discrete source bodies cannot

35:44 Yeah, so he's saying that using S. I the structural index of

35:51 for one kilometer window. So let's just one window, one kilometer and

35:57 three kilometers, the top half is kilometer windows, the bottom half of

36:02 kilometer windows And structural index goes 2, 3 vertically. So they're

36:09 using one kilometer window a structural index three C they're saying there's just too

36:16 , you just know, you they've they you know, they've allowed

36:22 many solutions to be posted such that all piling up on top of each

36:27 , you can't really see what's going . So one might like maybe maybe

36:34 window of three, you know, a structural index of one looks like

36:43 two are quite similar, so the doesn't really have much of effect on

36:49 , but you can see how you really limit the number of solutions based

36:57 , you know, the window size the structural index and you know,

37:04 me these folks that worry about this , you know, they get in

37:08 big time arguments about this stuff, know, so they talk about the

37:13 of the solutions and things like I have a question, yes,

37:18 does it mean by window? Like is a window? So like I

37:24 um we'll go back to the let's back to that figure. Yeah,

37:34 this is in two D. But in this window is the width of

37:39 , is this direction is this this is a two d window that

37:43 a width of this, you from X one to X, what

37:49 this, that from there to Right. And because of the size

37:54 the window, it's gonna solve all these points. So it will have

38:00 source step that's related to this So this window passing over this little

38:07 is not gonna adequately sample that So it's gonna produce spurious results.

38:15 ? So if a smaller window was then this could be resolved very well

38:21 it would have some solutions real shadow and it would be well defined Because

38:26 would have seven points which would define shape. Does that make sense?

38:32 , so in 3D you just do with a square window with a with

38:36 grid with a grid. So you every point within an X. Wise

38:46 . Let me see here. Um , so you would you would

38:55 you know, you would just pick , you know, it would pass

38:59 small grid over here, you in X and Y are window and

39:03 and y. But it would do same thing. It would try to

39:08 Orders homage in an equation in three for these solutions. So when we

39:14 at these kind of things, what's on here is there are different

39:21 These are colored by source depth, depth and color here. All these

39:25 circles are colored by source depth. greens are shallow reds are deep And

39:33 is the problem I have with three . oiler is that these solutions are

39:39 piling up on top of each How do you how do you decide

39:43 what when the reality is, it looks something like this. So if

39:48 were to take this view in depth plot all these things on top of

39:53 other on plan that it would you know, you'd be hard pressed

39:57 sort of make sense of them. that's what people do. In fact

40:02 grid these things. I mean it's nutty. I I don't think that's

40:06 really good way to examine these But you can see you can see

40:12 far we've come from the days of individual anomalies. Using bob bean's church

40:21 come up with source with thickness ratios things like that in this case they

40:26 just populate the map with a bunch these depth solutions and grid them.

40:33 so I think my my preference is because you're getting this detail but it's

40:41 profile and some of these things you really see what's clustering here in

40:46 It's difficult to see but they're looking this implant. I can tell you

40:52 don't need oiler for me to tell where the gradients are in his

40:58 I could just map with with a right and and you see these are

41:04 great, well that's I mean it's these sources ingredients which makes sense right

41:13 or or in this case of vertical , they're going to produce these

41:19 So you can start to visualize what is really doing. Its picking source

41:24 . Same thing with this one. picking source steps in this case,

41:31 the gradient in this case it's picking here. It's you know, does

41:40 answer your question or does it make worse? No, no makes

41:45 And then you see here they plotted solutions in three D. So they're

41:52 gonna exactly made a point that they're going to exactly trace the complete edge

41:57 the sources. But they're going to you an idea where things are.

42:04 . So in Allen's paper this his 1990 paper, their little case history

42:10 was in England. Alan's, Alan's he's from the coast, I think

42:15 from the coast down here somewhere. uh I visited him once, my

42:21 and I did in any case. then this study area is shown on

42:27 right and they're showing um they have ground gravity stations. They have some

42:33 death estimates. These X are all places here um There are some

42:40 all these open circles and then there's Bgs british Geological survey um seismic line

42:48 and show you what the dashed area . I don't think I have notes

42:54 this either. This is slide Okay, okay, so here's the

43:00 the uh geologic map. So uh Permian sub crop. And so they're

43:09 here this lower devonian Mississippi, middle upper Devonian. And there's I guess

43:16 a Westphalian section that they call And then here's their depth in kilometers

43:23 the pre Permian basement. So this one goes to 1 to 10 down

43:29 15 kilometers here. But it's pretty the order of zero, I guess

43:34 outcropping here and then it's uh pretty through here. So here again are

43:44 death solutions. And see one km steps are the small open circle two

43:50 four. So the bigger the the deeper the source. And

43:55 you see they're all just piled up top of each other. In

43:59 this is using a structural index of , which is a theoretical contact versus

44:05 index of a half, which is a cell or a contact is supposed

44:13 supposedly defines major faults. But I the idea is that the small circles

44:22 from the shallow part of the the fault and the big circles are

44:26 the deeper part, I guess. you can see where this would be

44:30 or challenging to interpret um, on own. But there's certainly get the

44:36 . You certainly get the idea that something going on here that is not

44:40 displayed in there, man. and, and then here's another structural

44:48 of one. So this is a Sylar day. So, and this

44:53 their their structural interpretation when they you know, they're following these things

44:58 you're saying these are, you some boundary faults and they're cashing some

45:04 to hear that they think might be . Okay, what they didn't do

45:12 , which is something that you death to source sort of, I

45:17 whenever I make a depth to source , I make a map of the

45:21 , I make a contour map of I think the basement depth is and

45:26 what most people want you to Okay. Right. So as I

45:35 earlier in the vision was the first that really worked on any of this

45:38 in the vision and he did the d stuff in 72 and 74.

45:43 then he followed up with three D 84. So, you know ahead

45:48 this stuff. So there's a there's term that's that's tossed around called extended

45:55 and it actually could mean one of things um I can't say this guy's

46:01 , but they presented an extended algorithm magnetic data with the structural index of

46:11 . So I said the different susceptibility can be calculated in addition to source

46:18 . Now implied in their work is addition of a second oiler equation of

46:23 structural index. So right, so a lot of work has been done

46:30 not only estimate source steps, but figure out what the correct index is

46:37 of making it up the folks that this stuff now can they can actually

46:44 for the structure for the most optimal index. Mhm Helbert Transform. So

46:52 is the vision. This stuff goes to the 80s and 70s again But

46:58 wanted to unify oiler and Warner and they did that in 2001 paper.

47:07 and so it's an extension, it's three D. And and three

47:11 Extension of one Warner. So the is they want to combine, they

47:19 to make a three D Warner combined three D. Oiler and unify the

47:24 into one algorithm. And I think was a pretty big deal at the

47:29 . This paper just does this by way, you will hear people all

47:36 time talking about these methods as a convolution. Now, I'm not crazy

47:41 that, that moniker because well I I'm a little cynical but I think

47:53 use it because they just want to it sound seismic e you know,

47:58 but but in in reflection data you that the way for the way front

48:11 convey loved with the earth response. ? So you have some pulse of

48:18 and then that travels through the earth interacts with the earth and what you

48:23 is that pulse plus the earth And the idea is that that you

48:31 , if you know what the paul's is and there's like, you know

48:37 of literature where people examine, you , examine wave, let's, you

48:44 , sample close to the source, know, whether it's dynamite or vibrate

48:49 or whatever. And then they try best model what that source way that

48:56 . So that they can then involved the measured data, the time series

49:04 that you, you know, you out of the, of the

49:09 And the idea is when you do , you're you deacon involve, you

49:13 , you remove that pulse signature and left over is the earth response.

49:20 , I'm probably telling you stuff you already. Um, but the point

49:26 that reflection method is dynamic. You a source and receiver with potential

49:33 It's not dynamics. It's completely passive of the earth's field. I mean

49:40 idea that these solutions are somehow involved the the magnetic data that you're measuring

49:47 just, you know, but I that you can talk yourself into that

49:54 . But to me physically it just kind of kind of, you

49:59 kind of silly. So being a cynical, I think that they just

50:06 this this, you know, this place, you're calling the methods de

50:13 . So so that you know, sounds kind of seismic anyways, so

50:19 might run across that. But I interrupt people say, hey, it's

50:23 the convolution but I don't think it . Okay, so um yeah,

50:32 three D. Warner, this is , this is, I'm sorry,

50:35 2005 paper this is the paper on , three d Warner and he used

50:41 Tetra hedo source and then here's just computer locations from his from his model

50:48 on some actual data. So he really you know exceptionally good results.

50:54 Rick Richard died just a few years maybe like 10 years ago. He

50:59 a pretty nice guy. Really really really smart guy. Okay so now

51:08 are grid methods. Um We uh looked at tilt driven before and I

51:16 started this the other day and I look at this should be this because

51:21 c uh DF dX is right So it's not like redefining the

51:28 This should be D E F G . That should be an H.

51:31 there. Okay that's the fBh and where that comes from. But basically

51:37 you said you know that it's the tilt angle is the inverse tangent of

51:43 ratio of vertical to horizontal gradients. so it's defined by plus or minus

51:51 over two. And then solving for you have to use this triggered a

51:56 identity. Punch it into this Uh D. C. To

52:04 H. And z the source that out of it. And the paper

52:11 miller and saying this is geophysics paper we looked at these before I just

52:18 them back in here because it's uh pertinent here but so the estimates and

52:25 indices are calculated driven over. This Namibia and I think this cross section

52:32 shown in some places, but so the reducer pull, here's the tilt

52:36 so that's in radiance and then here the horizontal gradient of the tilt

52:42 So that's just You know, the of these things and then here's the

52:47 gradient of the 12th angle. Again up these things and here are the

52:52 steps. So they're going from 0-3 and again you see the different colors

52:58 they will just pile on top of other. I mean I would not

53:02 at this cross section. Maybe this in this cross section there. It

53:06 of course and you can see how solutions find the tops and that's always

53:12 it works. The source steps are around the tops of solutions but didn't

53:18 this deep one here, so it work that great. Um but

53:24 the source steps are typically around the of the solutions. Oh, these

53:32 calculated structural yeah, this is one the cases where they calculate the structural

53:37 . So here they're ranging from, know, from 0 to 1

53:44 So look at that, this is this is a model and you

53:50 I mean I think models should be . Is it a model?

53:54 it's the data, I'm sorry, is oh I see this is the

53:59 they made a little model here to see what they can do and and

54:04 uh yeah I mean I don't know don't think he's a really great result

54:11 yeah. Yeah. Anyways. Uh . I think it's just a few

54:20 slides in this depth to source estimate . Do you have any questions about

54:25 material? Not yet killing me. No it's okay. Um You know

54:38 I I've been I go through these and probably just blasting. I mean

54:48 I prepare and then I'm like but just like ramming through so yeah Okay

54:56 so why don't we why don't we a break for about 15? Is

55:00 okay? Okay. Alright okay. right so let's finish up the depth

55:15 source estimation. Well remember I said they all work on wavelength. So

55:23 means you can convert these things into spectrum and then estimate source depths by

55:35 you know by their spectrum by their spectrum. And Probably the landmark

55:44 The important reference to that is paper specter and grant 1970. And just

55:54 show you how how the power spectrum with source blocks. Source black

56:00 So if you start with a three . Block here you can look at

56:05 . And of course you can just off the top make a thin plate

56:10 from that you can get to a or die poles or just a point

56:18 ? Can reduce can reduce it this and then reduce that way and get

56:21 a point. You can also extend bottom of this prison. And then

56:28 the same same argument. You can you reduce it this way then you

56:34 have a vertical ribbon that's infinite. reducing it again this way you can

56:41 a you know a vertical rod. if you take this idea to the

56:49 spectrum in terms of the thickness. if you have an infinite thick block

56:56 will produce uh power spectrum like this the same or the top is at

57:04 same depth. If you limit that , well then you'll what happens is

57:08 lose the longer wavelengths right? Because you can think of you know there's

57:14 source coming from very deep. It's all shallow shallower. And then if

57:19 really make it a fence sheet it take away even more erode even more

57:26 wavelengths or low frequencies. But the specter and Grant make is that there's

57:34 a vertical line here. This slope tells you how deep the sources.

57:44 they did a little study here. is in this place called Petrie

57:50 And this is their own magnetic anomalies looking at. And then all these

57:54 , these are their flight path And is contoured at 20 Nana Tesla.

58:03 just looks like to be pretty good to me. I mean there's some

58:06 interesting gradients in here and then here's mean C. C. Okay.

58:16 then here is a power spectrum through . I mean of that data.

58:22 think it's that whole map. So this is this is the long

58:30 , so this is the regional And then you have some near surface

58:37 and you can draw a best fit through this. You can see there

58:41 definitely two different components um of source in here. And this is what

58:49 do. They just they plot power and then they try to you know

58:55 in. So you know it's the versus wave number and they try to

59:02 in some slopes that they then infer related to the source. Here's a

59:10 that was done in uh Saudi. They have data here in the red

59:17 as well as I'm land here. interesting things about this data. I

59:24 you can definitely see, you can see the train boundaries that they're

59:28 Or many of them. Um Maybe all of them. But you can

59:32 see some train boundaries in this data of the big amplitude changes. But

59:39 regardless wavelength, I mean there's a of chatter, a lot of short

59:44 up in here. This is all shallow basement. But then it gets

59:49 wavelengths up in here. Right? starting to get starting to get deeper

59:53 wavelengths here. So this is kind like you know shield area. Then

59:58 at the red sea. Look at . Look at these um linear

60:07 Well, these are sea floor spreading . Do you know what? Sea

60:09 spreading anomalies are? Stephanie? Uh , I don't think I do.

60:17 you ever heard of a magnetic polarity ? So as sea floor is being

60:25 at a spreading center as as new sphere, an oceanic crust is being

60:32 at sea floor spreading centers. Those are cooling to the curie point depth

60:39 the curie point temperature, which is 5 80. And when they cool

60:47 acquire the magnetic the uh the field of the present day magnetic field.

60:55 when the field reverses, then the batch of rocks that are creating the

61:02 floor will will cat will be, know, they will be magnetized according

61:08 the reversed field. So if you at the ocean basins magnetic data,

61:16 are about spreading centers. It's alternating and lows and those are called sea

61:21 spreading anomalies because those are there, are all about the same magnetization except

61:30 just reversed, alternating being reversed. that make sense? Yeah, that

61:36 actually really interesting. We're gonna look some of that. I mean that

61:43 revelation actually is one of the really like nails in the coffin of jesus

61:51 ism and acceptance of plate tectonic theory was only, you know in the

62:00 . So tectonics is a really young idea. Okay, so right,

62:06 these are sea floor spreading anomalies in the over the red sea here,

62:12 the way, I always say, talking about potential field that I typically

62:16 always say over. And I'm because data exists where you measure it and

62:24 always measuring it over land or over basin or you know, over

62:29 You're not measuring it in something unless like borehole gravity. So that's why

62:35 always say over because the data exists you measure it. Okay, so

62:44 on the, on the upper left their power spectrum analysis. Um,

62:50 I guess they had a power spectrum line and a scale power spectrum here

62:55 this red line. And in both , they're predicting some long wavelength

63:03 which which the I guess they filter data to that. Let me

63:07 Does that look like that? Maybe must be a polygon filter Carry deaths

63:13 estimated using 26 overlapping windows. So that's that's another key element of this

63:19 I haven't really spoken of. But really critical factor in doing these estimates

63:28 the size of the window. if I have a size of the

63:32 , that's this entire area is going come up with a single depth

63:37 You're only gonna be able to you might come up with two different

63:40 or whatever, but that's gonna be the whole whole area. But when

63:43 look at this, I think you know, I would use different

63:49 based on these wavelengths because you the character of the data is

63:56 So right, so they used km windows. Let's see. This

64:02 this is 400. So about that . So that is only gonna pull

64:08 what you see here. Yeah. that's up to 50 km to be

64:17 . Yeah. 25. That's about . Um the query isil term is

64:23 to be 10-20 km increasing. Ah they're trying to count. Oh I

64:31 . So what their what their map here is of the kiwi point

64:36 That's why they picked such long a big window because they're only interested

64:41 this longest wavelength. And they think that that's produced by the Kerry point

64:49 . So the key point is 550 580 Degrees. Did we talk about

64:57 before? I I think we go . Yeah, go ahead please.

65:07 , okay, the curie point is temperature at which rocks either gain or

65:12 magnetism depending if you're heating them or rocks are getting hotter or colder.

65:20 like when the magma cools when it the curie point temperature it will acquire

65:28 magnetic field that's you know uh controlled the present day inducing field orientation,

65:38 know, inclination declination. Um And is what think of it this way

65:52 you can map this thermal, this point uh temperature in depth. You

66:00 map that in depth. You could the, you know, this this

66:06 horizon. Well, the idea that have had for a long time is

66:11 the very longest magnetic anomaly wavelengths that measure are produced by morphology on this

66:19 . That's the idea that the Kerry depth, that temperature temperature horizon is

66:29 a horizon in depth. That can met from magnetic data. Because if

66:34 rocks above it are magnetic and the below it are not magnetic, then

66:39 is a surface there that has some , some, you know,

66:45 that's related to the that temperature. the idea. So what they've mapped

66:51 is it's shallow beneath the Red Right? And it's shallow here beneath

67:01 Red Sea, but it gets deeper the shield. Which intuitively makes

67:07 So yeah, that's what they've done . Let me just go up to

67:11 . Right. So they're only showing this part here. See this outline

67:17 . Is this outline right here. , the Red Sea is just right

67:24 here and that's what they did. fact they posted all their little points

67:31 for the source depth. So that's they're trying to map here. And

67:37 reason people do this is because they to do, You know, thermal

67:42 . And we'll talk about this in very final lecture. But but they

67:47 to do thermal basin modeling calculation. that's how they why they do this

67:51 . This is very prescient work. this is the 2016 paper but people

67:57 are doing this stuff a lot these . Okay so death estimation summary.

68:07 You know there's a broadly three groups hand calculation, no graphical method,

68:14 two D. And three D. calculations and there's two D. And

68:18 D. Frequency calculations, wavelength calculations the two D. The graphic ones

68:24 two D slope slope. And then course you can check out bob Bean's

68:33 . I met him once um a time ago but you can check out

68:38 Bean's papers his paper for you know by the pound. There's lots of

68:46 and graphs in there but all that can be animated now. And is

68:51 really good paper for a really excellent of all the different graphical techniques because

68:57 more than I said. There's so . There's yeah there's peters of course

69:03 the original one but there's slow path . Okay there's there's a lot of

69:09 then um really with computers and the know um the advent of these these

69:18 D. Methods that estimate source depth I said they're called convolutions but they're

69:23 , see I even said that here they you know they solved systems of

69:31 determined linear equations by passing a bunch different windows over your profiles. The

69:37 in practice. What we do is we we test different parameters play around

69:45 where we have control, where we like a basement or refraction station that

69:49 us what the horizon depths are and we and then we um you know

69:56 sort of tune tune the tune the so that they that the solutions that

70:04 clusters and producers are consistent with those depths and you can do that with

70:12 of them. I mean that's a thing to do with any of.

70:14 then of course there's frequency ones, know analytic signal, tilt,

70:18 power spectrum and those are all involved window. And it's important that you

70:23 the right window. So you would you would make not only would you

70:27 around the parameters in terms of clustering that you would also play around with

70:33 sides and see what it generates. might be some sweet spot where you

70:39 , certain window is really producing a of interesting results. And Kerry Kerry

70:47 5 80 is for magnetite but it be less. It typically can range

70:55 about 5 50 to 5 80. you know a little bit maybe a

71:06 . Okay, so that's that's that we can talk about forward and inverse

71:15 . We'll start with forward bonding but first I need to make this point

71:25 and that that is that there's no model or a geological model for this

71:33 can approach the true complexity of the . And so the question is what

71:39 why do we make these models? the point is to learn something.

71:44 . So when you're modeling when you your modeling what you you can always

71:51 into kind of like a a feedback where you just keep playing with

71:55 playing with it, play with But at some point you're not learning

71:58 ? When you first start making a you're learning a lot. There's a

72:03 of the learning curve is steep but some point you're you know you're not

72:11 improving on your knowledge. You just know you're just making things fit better

72:16 it doesn't really it doesn't really tell anything more. Right? So the

72:20 is to learn something. The point to make a mile that fits the

72:24 because You know it might fit the but it still might be it's still

72:29 wrong. So or it's probably not know an actual true 100 representation of

72:38 earth can't be it's impossible. And couple of important points. You should

72:43 model with residual data or filtered or . T. P. And the

72:49 is is that is that when you something from the measured data you you

72:58 know what the geological component that's that produce that signature you're removing in,

73:06 ? So you can so you can't you model residual data that means you

73:11 something and that means you you think know what the geology was that produce

73:17 component that you removed. You don't that. So you should never model

73:21 residual data or filtered or R. . P. Okay. Um And

73:32 the general method for modeling for ford is the approach is that you have

73:38 data. Then you build a model you you calculate the response from that

73:46 . You compare with the measured the observed data and then where they

73:52 match you change something right? You be the geometry or the density or

73:59 magnetic susceptibility. So it's kind of . If you go back you're going

74:03 and around. The general idea for modeling is is that you have a

74:13 have data, you have a model you tell and you tell the program

74:19 modify one aspect of your model based the data. So the data drives

74:26 thing it drives to change. You like adjust things yourself. The

74:30 The data does that. Okay. but but the problem is you can

74:38 have it, you only modify one of the model at a time.

74:44 one horizon or one layer. And um that can work great.

74:53 my experience is that inverse models work well when you're close to the

75:03 But if you far off the the results are never good. So

75:09 not really a fan of universe I do it a lot, I

75:12 it a lot, especially if I'm tuning something. Um but I like

75:18 fiddle with more than one thing at same time. But um so forward

75:24 is when you adjust the model and compare it's it's uh its response to

75:34 measure to the observed data. And inverse model is where you calculate is

75:40 the model model parameters are modified by data directly. Okay, so um

75:52 you say that last part? One time in verses what and versus what

75:58 model is changed? Uh is the is modified not by you but by

76:06 the program based on the data. the data controls the inversion. What

76:13 in the model. Now? You might select what is gonna what's gonna

76:18 , you might select horizon or a . But when you launch an inversion

76:25 does an intuitively squares modification of that or that horizon until it it does

76:34 best to fit the observed data. matching the it's matching the model response

76:40 the fit data internally. You're not that, does that make sense?

76:47 . Perfect. Yeah. So forward , I'll say it again. Just

76:52 so forward modeling is what you have model, you have observed data and

76:58 have a model with a calculated response you change the model yourself to try

77:05 make the curve, The two curves the two fields fit you observed and

77:11 . I mean the the observed versus calculator in the inverse model. You

77:19 you start with a model as well it's modified by the algorithm by the

77:25 . It tries to it adjust some of that model based on the misfit

77:32 the two the measured and calculated It's making those changes. You're not

77:38 them but it's only doing it selectively . You tell it what to modify

77:42 it's doing that. It's doing the modification. Is that clear? Yes

77:51 . Yeah. Yeah. One is I'd like to think of ford is

77:58 up to the data and versus data to the model that I like to

78:02 of it that way. So this sort of like your generic modeling case

78:10 anything. Um So if you two . And three D. But if

78:15 have a three D. Source down of arbitrary shape then there's some vertical

78:22 of gravity. D. Z. . D. G. Rather at

78:28 point up here. Right. And changing gravity is given by and this

78:35 this is not scary. It's just bio integral of some function of density

78:42 the distance between the 2? Over difference between Z parameter uh uh over

78:54 distance cube And okay so r is distance it's the root of the sound

79:01 the square. So this is our then um this is e this is

79:08 . Prime. Okay so this is for vertical line of gravity. So

79:16 is the density function as a function density. And and then this uh

79:23 I guess is universal gravitational concept which outside of here. So that's and

79:30 I was telling you this is you this is like this is like geophysics

79:37 that can be kind of like pulled and put into any geophysical application.

79:42 doing right? You have integral of function uh you know based on you

79:52 some distance between your measurement and the . Does that make sense? Does

79:59 look look familiar to you? Oh yes yeah. Okay, so

80:07 is this is all geophysical problems are . I think they all start with

80:11 like this. So, okay, two D. The term two dimensional

80:16 a body whose third dimension is infinite ? In and out of the plane

80:21 body has infinite length along the The horizontal axis perpendicular to the profile

80:27 is infinite. Right? The body is entirely defined by the shape of

80:32 cross section. So, So the magnetic response is much simpler to calculate

80:39 three d. obviously kind of simple see um um There is some debate

80:47 to what makes something two dimensional in words, is an anomaly two dimensional

80:55 a circular anomaly right? Is not dimensional, right? So as anomalies

81:03 more and more problem, they become two dimensional. So technically you wouldn't

81:09 to make a 2D cross sectional model a circular anomaly because an anomaly isn't

81:16 produced by a two dimensional source. the idea. So And then what

81:24 what this point is making that some say what what makes it two dimensional

81:30 2-1 3-1? Yeah, 20-1, know, I mean, I don't

81:36 , but frankly, I don't think even worries about it. They just

81:41 make two D. Models and you , there you go off with the

81:47 . But now the software we're gonna using a waste of montage has lim

81:54 you can make end corrections what they end corrections. In other words,

81:58 gonna limit The strike in and out the plane. You can say the

82:03 only goes 10 km or two km whatever you want. And and in

82:09 with the software reason you can what they call two and three quarter

82:15 next will be like two and 5/8 guess. But anyways, what they

82:20 two and three quarter, you couldn't have a source where were you?

82:25 end correction isn't symmetric and in fact can even have the source offline,

82:31 could put a block that's offline and can model its effect which is really

82:37 because say you have a salt Well, you can model a salt

82:44 even though you're not going a salt have a big anomaly over right and

82:48 might not be you might not have line that goes through the salt

82:51 but just just by its flag. you're feeling the effect of it because

82:55 the wavelength. You can actually build model with that salt dome offline and

83:01 can calculate the effect of that on two D model using the software.

83:05 that's pretty darn handy. I've used many times. So yeah, that's

83:11 good good one to know. so nearly all to de mining programs

83:16 based on the Taiwan mathematic Taiwan and still around. I saw him at

83:21 image conference, I think he's got be 90 years old. Um very

83:27 man. He developed this method and published it in 1959. If he

83:33 kept that to himself, you he'd be probably more more wealthy than

83:39 is now. He's pretty wealthy. lives in there, he lives in

83:42 condo right there in the in the the near the M. F.

83:49 . Herman Park area. You I mean it's pretty upscale in any

83:55 . Um basically what it does, assumes a polygon shape and it and

84:02 solves for contributions from inside polygons. it's like a solid angle between you

84:11 , R. N. And N plus one. This solid angle

84:15 so it approximates these sort of You know by some sort of

84:23 That's the idea and you can have lot of angles. I mean it

84:28 pretty fast. So the and in inverse two D. It's the same

84:35 of thing. Except for example if say you want to invert this

84:41 you know, Then what this two . Inversion would do would it would

84:47 move this point from here to here on the response over it. Or

84:53 could change the density of this that sort of idea. Okay so

85:06 to the red sea here this is is gravity data um on the left

85:15 again on the right. So here's sea floor spreading anomalies. And here's

85:20 that outcropping basement all that chatter from . And then in the gravity data

85:26 the red sea, you see that this big high through here. What

85:30 you think this big? Not only it's Stephanie. Um Could it be

85:40 some spreading? That's the spreading right? That's the mid mid ocean

85:48 . And yeah it's it's yeah and also there's a lot of salt in

85:56 basin. So um you may be some effect of that and these little

86:02 of stuff in here. So spreading anomalies. Yeah. In fact

86:10 can maybe see some fracture zones in . Okay, so here's their

86:17 Where did they say where this model . I think it's one of these

86:19 lines here. Um No, it's red line here. Is this red

86:25 here. So when it goes to spreading center goes from the coast to

86:29 spreading center uh to that, So this is bag on top and

86:40 is gravity on the bottom. So where the spreading center is. This

86:46 weird. This is a weird Is that right? This looks this

86:57 look right west southwest, northeast, coast here. It was past the

87:05 center. This looks like this looks with the spreading center is of

87:12 so 2.75. Yeah. So I all kinds of problems with this,

87:23 let's just let's just break it Okay, so the the upper panel

87:28 magnetic data. The red line is watch. This I pass observed.

87:41 , The red line is calculated and yellow is observed data. So the

87:48 data is yellow and the red line calculated and the same for gravity.

87:55 um it looks like they're modeling um think it's modeling. Well, this

88:05 like free air date to me. It's got to be free air

88:12 So the water dance is gonna be , that's blue. And have a

88:17 sheet here. A thin layer of density looks like Two point doesn't say

88:24 . Then it has 2.4 density in green. And then the salt.

88:30 density is two 2.29. It looks I have to get my 2.22,

88:41 fair enough. I mean I I a little higher but that's fine.

88:46 it's interesting that these anomalies salt wait a second. Oh, they

88:52 different densities for just 2.4 up 2.37 here. And I guess you

89:00 to have it. So it's just . I'm looking for a big low

89:05 produced by these the salt and They're . Um so the density contrast isn't

89:14 great? So that's why he's going 2.4 to 2.2 to 2.22, I

89:22 it's different everywhere, isn't it? . And then the salt sits on

89:29 layer here, which is not which only slightly more dense than the other

89:37 sentiment layer. And they've got some depths here as well. Look at

89:46 , they've got some oil depth So you start to get a sense

89:51 how that's a really good solution right . That's pretty good. Okay,

89:59 then they have the crystal and Right? So the more holes at

90:01 bottom 3.35, really in high density then they have what they're calling lower

90:10 here, 2.74 and 2.74 2.7 - . 2.8 - two points a really

90:24 density here. So, okay, this is a spreading center, this

90:41 should be coming up here, Or maybe a lower density mantle?

90:47 mean, you know, maybe Or something like that. But um

90:53 definitely makes you think like this ridge like got some kind of So they

90:59 so have these high densities in But that's because they're trying to represent

91:07 I think natural material in here, won 45 was I have notes on

91:17 . Yeah, let's see what they . They say that the red CJ

91:20 marine land mag data down continued Mag , oh, I see a 24

91:28 refined using enhanced grabbed magnetic edges for susceptibility bodies. Three D gravity inversion

91:36 the Egyptian margin basement lows interpreted as correspond with thin crust, Short distances

91:45 approximately 30 km proximal to the coast . Reviews high density magmatic magmatic bodies

91:52 along the margin. That's what they're about right here. Um Some to

92:06 amount is high past. See the filtered data filter, R.

92:10 P. It's a bug a Um Okay, here's my comment.

92:15 model is flawed. The basic geometry assumed and then the right,

92:20 this is something people do it, is kind of like nails on the

92:25 for me, what they did was said this is the geometry they want

92:31 the crust and basin. And then just started sticking in densities until they

92:35 it fit. Well, you're not learning anything there, are you?

92:40 telling what you think you already So you know, oh now they

92:49 a point here. They okay. I say the models flood the basin

92:54 assumed in the rock properties were added high. And then I say

92:58 the first sentence of the abstract, is very correct rift and rift ID

93:03 margins are often associated with thick evaporates which challenge seismic reflection imaging.

93:10 so that's the point of this is is to help the seismic imaging.

93:17 they started with a model which was by the seismic image. That's I

93:22 and this was published in I don't what journalist was published in. But

93:29 uh that's criminal. That's just criminal a life. Uh Let me look

93:38 up. What is this what this ? Um Right. Lecture four.

93:52 gonna go to the bed. This published in Oh, interpretation. You

94:03 , interpretation journal. No. So general. It's a very new

94:11 So this is for example, this published in 21 And it was Volume

94:16 . Right? So it's only been for 11 years. And new journals

94:24 often have uh new new journals, know, they have they start

94:33 So quite often they don't really you know, the best stuff they

94:39 get first choice is right? Everyone's go to the established journals first.

94:45 yeah, says my system is I'm gonna turn my video off.

94:53 but right. So um they I mean they they say that they

95:01 to make this model to help the interpretation. But what they've done is

95:06 just mapping these geometries and then they slice everything up and they put it

95:11 a bunch of densities to make the fit to make these things fit.

95:15 I think that that's just that's not not learning anything when you do

95:19 are you? I mean if you it, if all you're doing is

95:22 want to go and run and tell excitement guys that their interpretation is

95:26 then you can do this. But mean, I don't think it really

95:29 anyone, you know? So I have lots of problems with this

95:33 . I think it's incorrect. so that makes sense to my criticism

95:37 sense. It does. I think used a program similar to that when

95:44 took reservoir. I took something with Wiley. It was think something

95:51 I don't remember. But we used model like that where we just like

95:54 with the densities to make things Oh so you you assume that you're

96:01 mean if you geometries are welcome then that's that's all you can

96:05 Don't get me wrong. I mean if, you know your geometries,

96:11 know, if it's like if you're if you're exploring in a little spot

96:15 around the salt dome and it's been by, you know, whatever 333

96:24 of three D surveys and you have these, you know, volumes of

96:33 and stuff. You ain't changing Then you're just looking at what's going

96:39 typically with the base of the salt you know, you might be inverting

96:44 only densities then because the japanese are defined. But in this case what

96:50 kills me is the very first sentence the abstract says, hey, you

96:56 , the solves the problem, we're to try to fix that. And

96:58 do they do? They just do ? I mean, I mean,

97:03 , you know, give me a . It's horrible. It's just really

97:07 science. So, yeah. All right. So, um

97:15 I think I have another one. think I have another one. So

97:24 is, yeah, this is um me ridge, which is this feature

97:32 in the Arabian sea. So India up to the north northeast.

97:38 And um, you know, Somali to the southwest and let me see

97:48 the region north of the lax me between Laxmi and in the gulf

97:55 So the golf basically this right it's composed of volcanic basaltic flows and

98:05 related to the deckhand traps. You of the deckhand traps. Right?

98:10 think so, yeah. So deckhand are flooded with salts that erupted.

98:17 uh in India and they lasted for long time. Flood assaults are often

98:28 traps. No, I should know that means, but I don't right

98:32 , I'll look it up. so they're suggesting that that uh they

98:42 this basin existed before the decade uh igneous province erupted. Uh and and

98:54 said in the region between Laxmi and bases between Laxmi ridge, which is

99:00 feature here in the bouquet gravity. this way, it's just it's a

99:05 of seamounts. Okay, and The Model three. The Model three Different

99:18 . Okay, this is profile three the dash line that's solid line.

99:24 this line right here. Is that ? This line, this black line

99:31 . So they wanted to model the ridge and this is magnetic data below

99:37 email too. And the satellite gravity here. So, and this is

99:45 the topography. So you had the high continental shell and then um water

99:52 getting deeper. So what's interesting to when I look at the gravity,

100:00 look at this broad high here and I see this low and this tells

100:08 that this is this is a line seamounts that these seamounts are rooted into

100:15 mantle because they're producing a low, the high density mantle material is being

100:21 by this low density gah bro, basaltic ridge and the high around it

100:32 sort of halo around it. That's chur, right. In other words

100:38 pushing down into the the crust is down into the mantle. But then

100:44 it's like it's also flexing you know of like around this feature. So

100:50 like going up and then down and . Does that make sense?

100:57 And then down here in the magnetic you can see that the feature does

101:02 a magnetic signature and an outboard. are some anomalies that look a lot

101:06 sea floor spreading anomalies. But then pair maybe they do as well.

101:13 know maybe this gulf basin sits on on oceanic floor because I mean you

101:19 have some of these features. These type features. Okay so let's see

101:26 happening. So here's our model. is their model profile three. The

101:33 data the dots are observed or The thin black line is calculated from

101:39 model. And the red line is difference. The program caused an

101:45 It's not an error. It's just difference because you don't know which is

101:51 measure this data and it might be or changed. Okay. Um And

101:57 bottom panel the middle panel is gravity . Data is dots again calculates a

102:03 black line and their differences. The line. So they've got a really

102:08 reasonable fit here I think. And look and see what they model.

102:13 they're saying they have lower crust Lower crust. Upper you see his

102:20 crust now in the industry, people say crust to mean crystal and

102:29 But just note that if you look a geology handbook dictionary, rather it

102:35 tell you everything about the mo hall crust that would mean the crystalline

102:42 sedimentary rock layers and even the sea . It's all mass above the

102:50 So which is why you'll always hear say crystal and crust when I'm talking

102:56 these things. But just so you , you'll often see upper lower crust

103:01 they're just talking about the crystalline So they have low densities um in

103:08 . Uh 2.4, And then um . Okay, so here's how it

103:18 . Oceanic crust, layer two is same as continental upper crust. Whether

103:25 to a or to be layer three lower crust for oceanic crust. So

103:32 they're saying here is that you have crust from here to the north to

103:42 north northeast and then lower. I , oceanic crust to the southwest.

103:52 magmatic under plating is a phenomenon where if you have a seamount,

103:57 It's being produced by some mantle mantle plume is right, Yes.

104:05 , So there's some deep magma sores erupting and making its way to the

104:13 and as it, when it approaches bottom, the base of the

104:18 it will sometimes spread out and accrete the bottom of the crust and this

104:25 called magmatic underplayed folks that worry about . They arm wrestle over whether it's

104:32 adding to it or it's replacing lower and there's no way to know now

104:39 planning is one of those things, of those reasons that cited, um

104:49 too much because it's just so Oh, magnetic underplayed because there's no

104:53 to really prove it. I mean they're looking at the velocities and that's

104:57 good sign. I mean, they have some some data that supports that

105:03 . They have velocities here. So Mojo is defined by 8.0, that's

105:10 definition in Bob Sheriff's Dictionary. Lower Is here 7.15 upper crust 6.3,

105:21 fairly typical. Um Oceanic 6.9 - . That's pretty high for layer

105:30 In fact 5.2 - 5.4 is a good layer two velocity. So,

105:42 I looked at sea mounts all over world. Um As part part of

105:49 dissertation work, I looked at all them, the velocity structure and c

105:55 are just basically thick ocean floor and really makes sense when you consider the

106:02 . Right? So they're just basically versions of oceanic crust, that's all

106:09 are. So this is kind of upper crust. Lower crust, it's

106:14 continental, but you know why they to make it continental, they want

106:19 make it continental because they want this be have radio genic heat flow so

106:25 it can be producing, you oil and gas. But yeah,

106:32 not how it works. In any . Look at the profile, the

106:36 profile dips down like this. This this is it's rooted sees three point

106:41 53 point oh five or 30 This is in kilograms for cubic meter

106:51 c c grams per CC three point five and 3.3. So, the

106:57 is really enormous here. And that's producing this big gravity low.

107:02 that's only 30 mg. It's not big, but yeah. And then

107:09 what's producing these magnetic anomalies? These are huge. Look at that.

107:14 700 gamma 700 nano tests. But that's being produced by my thinking is

107:22 sea floor spreading anomalies. But I'll you what looks really fishy here.

107:29 I mean if you were to split profile right here and flip this side

107:35 on this side. There's a lot symmetry in this in this data,

107:41 is interesting. Yeah. It's very . I think there's another profile

107:56 No, there's not. Okay. . Oh, I see. I'm

108:06 . I'll go back. They do their uh, it says here.

108:15 , there's okay, they have a . They have no bs.

108:17 That's good. Um It says all normal and reverse layers are black and

108:24 , volcanic. So black, black normal, gray is reversed,

108:32 Because it's kind of a low in . Right, okay. All

108:47 see here. Um So here's here's on that Laxmi Rich, isn't

108:54 Is that right? Yeah. So the Laxmi region here. Oh,

108:58 see. Okay. So, so I went ahead and and zoomed out

109:05 this area just to show you this the ship track coverage here. And

109:10 are geomagnetic crimes um identified. see they're saying it's going completely straight

109:19 25. 34. So this is is 80 million years ago And 25

109:27 I think 54 million years ago. you're going from 5054 to 80 over

109:34 range and 31 I guess will be and a half of that. So

109:40 are spreading anomalies. So this is this is probably 30-31. It says

109:49 . Yeah. And and then where this? How far up does it

109:57 ? Profile Okay, this is profile . It goes right there. I

110:03 put it on the stupid map. three goes see where's the topography

110:09 Right here it is. Profile Goes right through here I think or

110:15 here did I put that on this ? No, I didn't put it

110:19 on there. Okay, in any . So this is how it

110:26 To see the spreading ridge. The center is right here. Carlsberg ridge

110:33 right through here. This is five five and if it's not on this

110:38 but you go off the map it be 6 13 and 18 21

110:42 Just like it is here. So and five right here's the ridge.

110:45 it shifts along the transform down here then you have 6 13 18

110:54 Oh that's really interesting. So there's wow. So there's a big offset

111:06 . Mhm. There's a subduction zone here too, I think seductive to

111:12 north. Yeah. Alright. Um Yeah so gina there's so these

111:33 lines, you can get this data free, you can download it from

111:36 internet. It's called Jihad as data it's different combinations of track line

111:43 gravity marines, all marine data. then of course these this gravity is

111:52 over marine areas and then this G. M. Model from Palace

111:58 and then um Yeah. Okay so just to give you kind of contextualize

112:11 study because it's kind of zoomed it's kind of hard to see where

112:14 at. Oh here's more. Okay I talked about the magnetic data.

112:23 that's right and there's two different versions this email, they used the meg

112:29 this shape. Probably this panel information but it's email to is actually a

112:35 flawed database because what they did well the mag two was was an

112:44 supposedly over W. M. N. The world magnetic anomaly man

112:49 was this guy moss and others released oh seven and then they made me

112:56 two. But what they did was the the problem with go back to

113:00 track lines. The problem with this marine open file data is it's

113:06 a uniform coverage around the world. a big huge gaps in it.

113:12 ? So what what mouse did, is kind of insidious. What most

113:20 was they said, well, we this geomagnetic polarity reversal scale, uh

113:24 was developed by Mueller. I mean have the scale and then we have

113:29 ocean age grid that was developed by and it combined Geomagnetic polarity reversal

113:36 So those are, you know those those maps the pole reversals going back

113:46 time right there. Like, you , there's just like the sea floor

113:51 stripes. But they're like, They uh you know, they just map

113:57 time when the pull the field was and then it was when it was

114:03 and they do it using magnetic it's grad city and others as a

114:08 bunch of 2020, is the latest . And in that one, I

114:14 something's changed a little bit. But here's the ages for those crimes.

114:21 , 13, 18 up to So I said 80 it's 80.

114:27 84. My bad. Um I 2057 33 million years off anyways.

114:35 was in the ballpark um in any um But what they did is that

114:45 took the age of the ocean And they combined it they integrated it

114:58 the sea floor magnetic polarity. I the Earth's magnetic polarity reversal scale and

115:05 . And then they created what they synthetic magnetic analogies or or what I

115:13 call fake anomalies. And that's why looks like this. I mean it

115:18 beautiful right? But it's not but not it's not true. This is

115:23 the real data looks like. This So after a bunch of us complained

115:27 these guys about this thing because you will go into people's offices and they

115:33 have these global maps with all these anomalies over the ocean basis and none

115:39 it was real. And but they that you know all this was all

115:46 real stuff. And in any case What's that mouse did this in oh

115:54 And Meyer came out in 16. in the paper at the age of

115:58 and the 16 they had V. V. Three. And now this

116:03 here. So yeah just to know these are open file but what you

116:09 want is you want the latest one though it's not as pretty as this

116:13 . It doesn't have any fake Alright so let's see it's 3

116:24 We'll go let me just finish this up here I guess this two

116:28 Modeling stuff. So the canning basin in the north is the northern Australia

116:34 it's inside the Cannon. There's a a rift basin over here called the

116:39 trough. It's a big fat basin then down here is the Amadeus in

116:46 Officer. These are little coastal Sag . But this is a study,

116:52 see. Yeah. Um yeah this a study done um in whatever

117:08 I can't pronounce the name. My . This is county basin is the

117:16 home to a Devonian fossil which is quote from the paper to a fossil

117:22 fossil reef complex that stretches 350 kilometers the northern edge of the basis.

117:28 there's a fossil reef complex up The fossil reef is very well preserved

117:33 is cut by several modern day canyons the something something gorge this name

117:39 Where's it at? This is do I have it in here?

117:47 E I J I geeky geeky and Win gina gorge. So I don't

118:02 these gorgeous anything. Maybe they're in next band gorge. No, they're

118:10 out here. Okay. Uh the reef system extended about 1000 kilometers along

118:19 is now known as the northwest show of Australian continent. So so this

118:26 this reef cut system. And then guys say extensions occurred in the middle

118:33 early. So it's paleozoic basin and Officer basis of Lake Petani is a

118:41 Sag and this is very let's say pro nia protocol to carboniferous. So

118:48 saying this thing is catching said sediments 200 million years. That's that's what

118:55 saying. Okay so this is topography showing you the you know the where

119:01 basin is deep. This is on partition the basin I believe. And

119:06 is the the plus sign. That's the basement that crystal rocks are

119:14 Now this is some data from Um And they have gravity gradient data

119:23 we'll learn more about in the last and then they have regional gravity.

119:28 regional gravity just smooth data. And the grade geometry data is this in

119:36 white outlined. So very very Obviously lots more fidelity in the

119:43 And then of course it gets really . This is regional gravity -87 and

119:50 . Um And then A. This is this is dana. There's

119:59 Grady entre systems out there that are used. There's F. T.

120:02 . And A G. A. . G. Was developed by

120:06 H. B. B. H. P. Billiton. This

120:12 company and F. T. Was developed by Lockheed. Um Alright

120:19 and this is this is magnetic So what I think when I look

120:32 this. Okay I mean the magnetic it. Okay, basements shallow.

120:39 this steeple stuff that makes sense. all these short wavelengths up here.

120:43 fact really short wavelengths up here. broadway links through here, through the

120:49 trough. And then it looks like stepping up a little bit. But

120:55 it looks like this is also a bit deeper. So you have what

121:01 like to be a high going through . What's that look like in this

121:06 ? Yeah, yeah, So gradients kind of a little interesting, aren't

121:15 ? So this is showing really uplifted on the southern, the south

121:23 southwestern flag of the Fitzroy stepping Maybe stepping down here, stepping down

121:30 . That's what these kids are all faults. Stepping down to the

121:36 Same thing over here. This mag again. Well, I can see

121:43 . I mean there's really no difference in the magnate, but it certainly

121:47 shorter wavelengths stepping down into longer So that makes sense. Here's the

121:58 section. Where is this at? is see So this is going from

122:03 here to here. A cross C. Is it shown in here

122:07 well? Okay, so it's a , it's going up too high,

122:11 little bit low. High and it off to a big low and then

122:17 high. Another high. So it be should be things getting shallower here

122:20 deeper on both sides of it. it's not showing and getting deeper to

122:26 north, but it does have it getting deeper to the south. Look

122:30 that. I mean this is just enormous throw. This is two

122:36 It's over a km, Jeez. obviously these are all horizons that were

122:45 and put in here from, from and the and the profile is is

122:53 great amateur profile. It's it's the component, I'm sure. And uh

123:01 , you know What it is is , balls. Um, yeah,

123:11 don't know, you know, if mild this data, these data are

123:17 hypersensitive. Um, but they have lot of control in here I guess

123:24 , yes, it looks okay. . Oh, here it is with

123:34 reflection data. So here's these, geometries are inferred from this inferred from

123:44 . So here's the Fitzroy trough dropping and then you have these short wavelengths

123:50 great. And you know, here's gravity, there's no Magnetics at

123:56 This is the F T. Mat view up here. So that's

123:59 this one. So this is the . Alright, so this is the

124:05 gradient. So this is the this just measured D. G. But

124:09 should be of this and you can it. It does make some sense

124:14 are lining up, aren't they? , Okay. It's okay then I

124:24 . And then this is this is is in time. It's 28

124:27 So we don't really know what the function is here. Mm hmm.

124:38 there is some, you know, is some some character the data

124:44 Wonder why? What is this This is B. So that's where

124:50 B. At B. Is this here? So it's crossing right over

124:55 , you know, the trough is stepping down into the trough. And

125:00 a big gradient low in the middle the two hides. Yeah. This

125:07 the great world with these highs in . Yeah. So they didn't model

125:12 . So they don't know what these model because they didn't fit the seismic

125:20 . But I mean, you these there may be some inverted features

125:25 here. Maybe this guy's inverted. there's some, you know, there's

125:30 structure there there and there maybe there's like that corner. This is fairly

125:41 though. It's really shown that You know, there's something deeper in

125:50 model that they're not showing us Because there's some regional stuff in

125:54 That I am not saying that you , they did A as well.

125:58 . A. So a let's look the bag on a. Okay,

126:03 it's very, very deep here getting shallower destruction, slightly shallower. But

126:08 only the very very end words where um Or it's coming up right

126:15 The very, very end look at . They it's even, you

126:19 too much. So very, very . Yeah. Okay. And we

126:32 know what rock property assigned these things . Well, they're probably in

126:36 But there's no I don't. There's there's only density information here. They're

126:41 really no magnetic anomaly information but they're while they're not modeling Magnetics. But

126:48 , that's fair. Fair enough. . So why don't we take a

126:56 And then we'll look at three Forward and Inverse. Okay.

127:05 So um All right, let's just now we're gonna look at three

127:12 For the inverse modeling, which you know, it's just like two

127:16 . But more complicated still using, know uh two d. Slices and

127:25 know, lines were now we're talking grids. So let me get

127:34 Okay. So yeah, same, general case, the same slide.

127:42 um so three D. Forward gravity . There are many ways to approximate

127:50 three D. Geometries. You can it with rectangular prisms. You can

127:56 it with stacked laminar or triangular So at the bottom is modeling of

128:08 three D. Using rectangular prisons. so you could, you know,

128:11 kind of build up these little 21 to you know, to best

128:18 represent the shapes that you that you are happening in the subsurface. And

128:26 though this formula is really complicated, just like all the other stuff.

128:31 you know, it's it's a summation X. Y. And Z.

128:35 it's calculating the effect of all the angles. Kind of like Taiwanese method

128:41 two D. But in three So now I'm not working through any

128:48 this stuff and I don't think I have to because I think prerequisites to

128:53 class is that you have had calculus partial differential equations and complex variables and

129:02 algebra and all that good stuff. I right? Unfortunately? Yes.

129:09 we we've all suffered through that and no reason to suffer anymore other than

129:17 just post to post a solution, it exists and we can live with

129:23 because someone else can worry about doing math. Um So stack laminar,

129:30 is that? That's just basically another is if you have a three dimensional

129:35 arbitrary shape, you can define it the contours of the you know,

129:40 the of its boundary and then just it up into different sizes shapes which

129:48 can then much like our Taiwanese you can break that into a bunch

129:52 little straight segments even if it you know if this is a volume

130:00 cubic volume, it's gonna have at point little straight segments, right?

130:06 then you can just calculate the the response to that. Doing it that

130:16 , triangular methods, as you can one of these sort of mesh diagrams

130:22 the tops and bottoms of the a layer is represented by a triangular

130:31 So you can use you know, . E. M. S.

130:36 any kind of grid that you want you make and you can do it

130:41 a triangular mesh or again you can it as acuteness. Right? So

130:45 does that work? Well, basically the the the difference, I mean

130:52 the gravitational attraction. So there's nothing the sides, The sides could be

130:57 because they all cancel each other And so it ends up being,

131:06 know, some function of the top bottom surfaces there. Right. And

131:12 outward of the normal service unit vector . Is always vertically downward in the

131:18 direction. Yeah, Yeah. So are equal zero. And it's just

131:26 just, you know, attraction based the difference between the top and

131:35 So. Right. So for so for triangular elements the closed surface

131:41 . Is the top bottom and the sides sides go away and you ended

131:49 with the verticals go away. And the method reduces to revive the integral

131:57 the upper and lower surfaces. And what that's what that looks like.

132:00 I what I was just saying, , as you can imagine, is

132:07 complicated because you have to account for the direction of magnetization, the earth

132:13 declination. And then and if there's it's even more complicated. So in

132:21 forward model we um the magnitude and direction of magnetization is specified. That's

132:30 inducing field. So by the way inducing for two D. Models in

132:39 forward modeling or inverse, two you have to specify the inclination declination

132:46 field strength as well. So in day it actually accounts for the strike

132:50 the model in that, in that orientation. So you don't have to

132:55 about any of that. And we're we're gonna go through that when we

133:00 our modeling exercise. Um So so you can do rectangular prisons.

133:08 , you can do ribbons and poly . And but first let's look at

133:16 of magnetization. So there's, we think of magnetization in terms of volume

133:26 where the source has a mechanization associated it's too similar to the density for

133:33 , reminds us of pseudo gravity. can also look at as an assembly

133:39 electrical charges or magnetic magnetic charge poles die pulled distributed in space. So

133:48 our volume mechanization. There's a little representation. You can also think of

133:57 in terms of electric currents. So current density and or the poisons

134:05 Remember this is how we get this is how we get to pseudo

134:10 . So there's lots of different ways think about it. But if we

134:14 at prisons again, we're doing the thing. We have prisons with infinite

134:20 that can be defined in the total anomaly due to the prison. Uh

134:26 be calculated. So here's our here's , you know, our measurement on

134:32 surface here and here's our source body an infinite things. So if it's

134:39 from Z one to Z. Z one, Z two. And

134:46 the uh calculate the field for prison Z one to plus infinity. With

134:54 magnetization of M zero M. Not to calculate the field from Z

135:00 So you calculate it to infinity and calculate it from the Z two to

135:08 , then you add those two or ? And then you get I guess

135:18 the infinity part cancels out. Maybe them in any case. Yeah,

135:24 how you do it. Um the of ribbons that represent sides of an

135:36 polygon. In other words, this another one. This is like Taiwan

135:40 polygon except now it's ribbons of infinite right? Or at least?

135:47 And assume a uniform organization of the . So the surface charge approach,

135:55 can use that to calculate the forward . The gravity signature. Ribbon is

136:02 in the xy plane. Such as gravitational attraction is both in the horizontal

136:09 wide directions. So the resulting equation be generalized to an inclined ribbon.

136:18 it's no longer simply in the xy . And to convert them to

136:24 You just substitute for magnetization and the . Yeah, this this is all

136:31 little mysterious to me. Oh and Hadrian's. Again, we can sort

136:41 extrapolate dimensions. This reminds you of whole polygon calculation from the Taiwanese method

136:50 instead now you have little three dimensional that you can calculate all the solid

136:56 as you move around and your, know, your xy playing all solid

137:03 between all these three dimensional sources. so forward mining can be thought of

137:15 indirect method to learn about pragmatic data the geometry and density or mechanization are

137:25 and then calculate. Okay, this what I was saying. You you

137:30 indirect because you have to start with model and you and you you adjust

137:36 model then calculate and compare. Inversion opposite. So it's the direct approach

137:44 because the data are inverted to obtain desired information. But the drawbacks as

137:51 said, is because you can only can only select certain parameters or one

137:57 a time, one horizon or one , you can only select one at

138:01 time. So so uh Yeah. . So it's it's not as

138:13 So with regard to inversion just inverting layer to change to change its density

138:25 magnet or magnetic susceptibility. That's a inversion. Mathematically it's a linear But

138:34 you change, if you want to the source, the geometry of the

138:38 the horizons or the layer boundaries, that's nonlinear. Right? Because what

138:45 is there's two calculations because when you're that, when you change the boundary

138:51 not only changing that but you're also the distribution of density or magnetization.

138:58 that's why it's nonlinear. It's changing things at once. Does that make

139:02 ? I mean if you have a density layer above a high density

139:10 And you raise, you know, you push that horizon up between those

139:17 layers then that the gap, The added area, that added volume

139:25 it. Now it's gonna have to more density added in the, in

139:30 area above the horizon is going to to have less density taken away or

139:35 difference of the two added whatever you do. But so that's why it's

139:40 linear. So in verse problems with and construction. So solutions to the

139:54 suffer from instability. The functions have there are singularities and this happens with

140:01 a lot. Is that if you're remember I said if you're close to

140:05 answer, they work really well. you're not close the answer and you

140:10 to invert safer for the for a horizon, you want to push it

140:16 and push it up. What happens three D inversions, they often get

140:23 in what are called local minimum. This is my getting ahead of

140:30 I am okay. Uh let me back up a little So solution its

140:40 anomaly field value at any point. ? It's been it is, it

140:46 um has contributions from the entire It all layers in all parts of

140:50 . Right. And so the sensitivity the bottle changes uh depending on the

140:57 the distance from the, from the point to whatever part of the

141:03 The calculations be being done. So four calculations, the distant contributions are

141:11 and the mom was incentive. But for lenny but for inverse it

141:18 be problematic. And I'm going to about that. I started talking about

141:22 but I'll do it on the next . So in verse and I said

141:27 for death. You mechanization is a version. So it just requires a

141:33 of the model. But the choice geometry is well, it says here

141:38 impose a bias on the solution Because it might be, you

141:44 slabs or prisons or spirits. If solution is robust then different geometrical geometrical

141:53 will give similar results. Yeah, mean right. So another way of

142:01 that is regardless of whether your your is um the sort of whatever sort

142:12 elements are involved, whether they're cubes tetra hydra or spears or whatever.

142:20 if the model is not too complicated it will probably be fine. But

142:26 it's very complicated then you know, source geometry might what you choose for

142:38 geometry. You might have a big on the result but linear inversion but

142:45 inversion is very simple and so is susceptibility. So, oh, I've

142:52 had problems with those, you only with structural inversions. The nonlinear

142:59 and that's where you're changing the geometry the model. So some aspect is

143:07 specified to constrain them out. And for example, yeah, the term

143:15 upper surface type of salt and the distribution. But there um there are

143:22 approaches to nonlinear version three of these are described by blakely in blakely's textbooks

143:29 iterative, compact body or linear linear . I think I'm going to go

143:36 those. Yeah, so nonlinear version for example, given a source geology

143:47 n rectangular blocks like the figure below in observations. Then the first restriction

143:55 which is the first restriction imposed on model. The second restriction is that

144:01 depth of the top is fixed? so now all you have to do

144:05 just find out how thick all the are. And initially the signal from

144:15 block is assumed to be produced by simple bouquet type infinite slab. And

144:20 forward response to the models, calculate inversion algorithm then figures out the difference

144:27 this initial calculations in the measured data then the base of the models moved

144:34 or down. That's how inverse it . And the second one is calculated

144:38 then the differences are figured out again so on. And then in practice

144:45 we do is we assign some convergence like you say you want and typically

144:53 like whatever the noise level on your is. So if your if your

144:58 level is one mg then you you know Iterate through this until you

145:06 to one mill gal. Some people go to a test of the middle

145:10 and the thing will run for 10 and it will resolve to test the

145:15 gal. But you know you're not anything because anything anything finer than one

145:23 . What your noise level is is know it's just it's just uh it's

145:29 making it look pretty but it's not helping or making it look different but

145:33 not really helping. Now for a inversion for the compact body it requires

145:42 the volume of the body be as as possible for some gmo geological

145:48 This takes makes sense for details. . The volume of the body in

145:55 words these little the little blocks I the geometry of the body can be

146:01 in various ways but the simplest is use elements or cells of uniform

146:05 I'm sorry never mind requires that the volume of the body be as small

146:10 possible. I'm not sure what that . In any case you divide it

146:14 into little cute and the inversion tries minimize the number of cells with mass

146:21 fitting the calculated data to the observed . So for l observations and end

146:28 . There's three situations if you have observations than blocks then it's over

146:32 So you do at least square. the same. Then you can then

146:37 can you can calculate an exact solution if it's less than it's under determined

146:44 you need to have some criteria to the possible solutions. So yeah,

146:52 need to you need to impose some limiting limiting aspect of it, such

147:00 a minimum vibe. And then the realization. So, so as with

147:11 nonlinear problems, some approaches attempt to lies the problem by using small

147:18 Right? So you look at a enough area, then it can be

147:22 trick that physicists use a lot. example, assume a two D.

147:27 of wise, infinite of unknown cross damaging can be expressed by an inside

147:33 polygon. So for l observations of field, um it can be expressed

147:41 terms of source geometry, assuming the is constant. So they have some

147:48 of a eyes from Eagle 1 to where w is a two N dimensional

147:57 I see containing X and z's of polygon corners. And then using least

148:04 approach, we can define a function can be minimized with respect to the

148:09 corner coordinates. So yeah, so basically they're basically um uh developing a

148:22 expression based on the number of coordinates the polygons in the in the in

148:29 in the horizon. And then they're solving the equation for that. So

148:41 our friend the canning basin again, Australia fitzroy trough going through here.

148:49 have a larger basin. I think was the browse basin down here.

148:53 remember the Amadeus was down here. the Amadeus this is the Amadeus right

149:03 . Um Right and then uh deaths from over four km 4 km Down

149:14 -10 km. Yeah. And then is the gravity gradient data on top

149:26 the magnetic data on the bottom Where is this at? This is

149:30 little blocks right here called the king and it sits on the Leonard right

149:35 to I guess the Leonard shell for it. And then this is this

149:45 observed gravity gradient, calculated response and residual. So it's pretty flat.

149:56 then but I mean these days they look so noisy to me. Um

150:02 I guess it's just a cross grab great jesus said with the vertical component

150:08 total total field anomaly. In the three D. Model results the observed

150:17 calculate it. And the difference. when you do models, you have

150:21 especially three D. Um Ology typically to show the comparison of observed versus

150:28 and then the difference And here's the d. model of that thing.

150:36 solicit classics and just base and fill A. And then be our

150:43 So you don't see those still down and then there's carbonate C. Those

150:50 beneath the surface there right here. they're slicing down through it, Kermit

150:55 is D. That's over here basin plastics. E. That's all over

151:02 . That's all this, this you see everywhere and in the basement

151:06 the green is the F. So And I'm assuming they mean crystalline

151:11 So this is the three D. . Which is pretty pretty. I

151:16 I mean it's very you know, friendly. Mhm. Another example here's

151:31 salt salt example in the offshore abu . So abu Dhabi sits in the

151:37 East that sits here in the southern of the Persian gulf. And um

151:43 see what's what is going on These are all salt homes. I

151:46 all these outline features. This is little survey area. Um Let me

151:52 my notes. I say dear protocol and in for Cambrian hormones salts.

152:01 not imaged or penetrated by seismic and dated. three d. Constraint inversion

152:07 aero gravity and aero magnetic data and and well and seismic data. In

152:14 magnetic inversion of the basement model, basin is 8 to 10 kilometers with

152:19 highs at highs at eight and 8.5 gravity inversion model does not delineate very

152:25 the basement and morphology possibly due to density salt bodies. By calculating and

152:32 the gravity response of the magnetic basement from the observed granite we recovered.

152:39 is what they're saying. This is quote. We recovered the residual gravity

152:43 of the horror Moon salt three gravity version of the residual show of

152:47 residual shows that the harmless salt are widespread and thicker than previously thought was

152:55 to top of the salt bearing 5.5 kilometers salt model suggests that the giant

153:02 fields in the offshore abu Dhabi such um Shave Nasser Abu Al Zakum Sarabande

153:11 occur exactly above crust of salt So all those these are the fields

153:21 these are the oil fields. Okay they say that those sit right above

153:25 salt. In addition a series of oil fields were found located at the

153:33 of the northern basement high. Yes here and three structural liniment trends the

153:46 , southwest north west, south east north south. So X. And

153:52 . Right. Alright. So let's at some data here. So on

153:57 left are reduced to pull magnetic And on the right are are gravity

154:05 . So. Okay let me see there anything else in here? There's

154:12 there's more. Okay I'll go back now. Yeah, magnetic data just

154:25 to me to be pretty regional Um It's just like four anomalies.

154:31 mean it's you know so but when look at these, where is it

154:37 deeper? I mean it's actually deeper . I think that's really broad and

154:43 here is like two anomalies are shorter . This one here is even more

154:50 . S. one s. 2 s. three S one S 12

154:57 three. Okay. Same thing. and three now gravity anomaly. So

155:02 what's the range on this. It's about 16 million gallons rage over

155:08 And I think that this gravity I mean, I don't think it

155:15 whether it's free or bouquet. Why that? Why am I saying

155:26 No guesses make a guess. Come . Um What is gravity? What

155:37 we do boo gay for? What's point of it? The point of

155:43 in two. Hold on, minimize . Yes minimized. I'm sorry.

155:55 fine. So if I say it matter whether this is free era

156:02 How can I say something like Because let's see really feeling because it's

156:15 very topographic. Exactly. It's Yes. So it's just no

156:28 There's nothing to minimize. And continental are typically pretty flat and they're almost

156:41 . So big shelf like the gulf Mexico. We're here in the Persian

156:50 . You could do a bouquet correction it would look just like the free

156:53 day. I mean it would it look it might look a little bit

156:57 but it's going to be essentially the because the topography is flat. There's

157:01 to correct for. And also, mean this is only 16 mg so

157:08 is not a lie, but it's high, it's interesting that it's

157:13 right here. Right. Between these . I don't know. I don't

157:16 how if they're related. It's interesting . Okay. So what's next

157:23 So this is basement interpretations. So did that's right. They did here

157:30 Did they did uh um interpretations basement depth estimates from both gravity and

157:43 Which is pretty interesting really. But mean you know it looks a little

157:51 to me because these magnetic anomalies highs basement highs kind of correlate with magnetic

158:00 and it really should be about So I'm not sure how they did

158:04 . And then the gravity. See gravity is more intuitive. But I

158:11 look at this, look at where anomalies are gravity magnetic anomalies and look

158:15 their basement. So I don't I'm suspicious. I'm suspicious you see

158:27 having gravity low here with a longer like magnetic anomaly. So that that

158:32 sense. And remember I said it's here and higher here. So I

158:38 is more intuitive. I think that's . Man is better the basement from

158:43 . However they did it is better this one. And then here's their

158:49 . So that's one of these magic three D. Salt maps. So

158:54 the plan and I guess this is death. So most of these guys

159:00 this range here I guess in the to 7 com and 6.5 to whatever

159:10 to 6.5 range I guess something like . And then here's their final

159:18 So they have have basement trends and trends and they have volcano volcanic magmatic

159:27 . This is just where they're anomalies just 123 and three and it's and

159:33 um the salt dome crust. Okay I like that. Oil fields nice

159:41 Salt islands. Oh so there's actually is breached has breached the sea

159:47 That's nice. That's nice. Um can't tell you like this idea.

159:54 event is something that is kind of old idea I think. I mean

159:59 not crazy about it. If I a line on a map I say

160:03 it is something geologic that it represents contact between two kinds of mythologies or

160:11 boundaries or it's an axis of a line or antique line or or it's

160:17 fault you know whatever kind of false whatever or undescribed fault. But I

160:27 liniment is so is such it's such , well it's it's happening it's overused

160:36 it's just amorphous. I mean what it mean? Well there's a little

160:39 over there. I mean I don't I think it's just yeah I think

160:44 so I mean and also you know no there's no straight features on the

160:52 the earth that looked like that. I do draw a line it's usually

160:57 . It has some sort of curvature something that files the anomalies. So

161:05 I think that that's something that could improved. I mean you can do

161:08 but I think you should you should the data. You should follow the

161:11 and if they say those limits are from the magnetic data, you

161:17 um I don't see any straight lines I don't see a single straight

161:23 I mean, why not make this if you're going to trace this gradient

161:28 trace the gradient? I mean, that I mean it's produced by

161:32 right? If this is, you , if you think that, I

161:35 this is structural, then draw I don't think it's a structure.

161:39 think this is a composition. I it's the biggest anomaly on here.

161:43 mean it's it's Whatever, it's cameras. I mean, that's,

161:51 know, It's not structural. I this is this is an intrusion.

161:57 think these guys can absolutely be structural they're going, you know, from

162:02 whatever zero, they're just about even 40. That's a big

162:07 But still Yeah. Uh so that's tearing apart people's people's work anyway.

162:17 I'm trying to look at these things , Right? I mean, and

162:20 and you should too, I mean lines drawn through data, they just

162:28 evoke geology to me. You they just straight lines through data.

162:33 mean, they think they say if idea is it's supposed to infer

162:38 but we're not exactly sure whatever. , you know, you've got that

162:42 because you've made dash lines or you know, I don't know

162:49 Okay, so full fit reconstruction. gonna show you some work that one

162:56 my students did, Nyla Dowel, dolla dolla, dolla dolla dolla and

163:06 she did, she did this what's a full fit reconstruction. In other

163:10 , When two continents break apart as know, plate tectonics, they break

163:16 the rift in the form of passive . An ocean basin forms. If

163:22 look at that margin, right? part of it that's unstrap etched and

163:28 there's a part of it that's stretched deformed and extended. And then finally

163:33 start producing ocean floor and plate tectonics that the Earth tectonic plates, their

163:45 spherical plates, they are in relative to one another and they are deformed

163:52 their margins. Right? So the of full fit is that you can

163:58 the ocean basin. See that's a reconstruction because once you start producing ocean

164:06 rifting ends and the motion between the is accommodated by the production, you

164:13 , the creation of new life, fear news ocean and cross. So

164:19 the rigid reconstruction. Then you can we call a non rigid reconstruction where

164:26 close this extended part and the way do that. If you try to

164:31 out where the free rift boundary And then of course the ocean continent

164:37 . So you know what these two are then if you can figure out

164:41 volume of this bit of continental then you can just squeeze it

164:49 That's the idea this has been done stuff, there's a lot of words

164:54 . But basically the very first one done by uh dale Sawyer who was

164:58 Rice University. He was on my committee and he called tectonic substance.

165:06 then a couple years later he and did the same thing in the Labrador

165:12 . But it wasn't until after this of this important paper by Chappelle Locos

165:18 you know 08 that a bunch of started doing these full fit reconstructions all

165:24 the world. Australia Antarctica Labrador of China Sea Central Atlantic. Now remember

165:32 is a group of guys at they did the central atlantic and Nylon

165:36 it as well. But I think is better. Of course I think

165:39 but she just used better, better data than they did. So here's

165:47 work and she makes some beautiful maps . But what you're looking at is

165:58 Different colors. So this is these different terrain uh what are called Paragon

166:05 and terrain which were created on to America when Pangea formed right? And

166:13 grandi all these different strips of uh of you know cra tonic blocks that

166:21 captured and switch it on to uh north America and over here on africa

166:29 the west africa. Creighton, there's shields and then some of these guys

166:35 also to reigns our team basement and this is so she's identified some uh

166:49 floor spreading anomalies. They're magnetic magnetic . They're not see some people.

166:55 it's debatable but they are they are magnetic anomalies. There's the uh

167:02 the East Coast magnetic anomaly. This one which produces a huge anomaly.

167:08 is a huge anomaly. And there's blank sperm. And economically this yellow

167:12 On the other side. There's S Which is this one here As this

167:20 one and S. three. Which this outboard one. And then there's

167:24 West West african coast magnetic anomaly. I think that's also um I think

167:33 S. three as well. So differ on that one. And here

167:40 is um uh the gravity anomalies with same gravity skills. This is free

167:48 gravity uh over the oceans and then uh this is modeled gravity over africa

167:58 then deny gravity over north America. thing you see right away you see

168:04 these linear features. Those are not . Giant strike slip faults.

168:09 Those are called oceanic fracture zones. talk about those in more detail when

168:13 look at ocean basins. I'll explain . But this is her gravity

168:19 This is the uh total horizontal gradient the gravity data. So this is

168:25 edge detector remember. And sure enough just seeing all sorts of high so

168:31 highs would lie in the gradient of anomalies. Right? So this would

168:37 two of them on both sides. it does you see? So it's

168:44 enhancing the gradient and that supposedly lies over the edges of sources, whether

168:51 density sources or structural. They sit the edges of them. Here's a

168:59 anomaly. So here are the sea spreading anomalies here. This is a

169:03 database. And over here this this M. A. To version three

169:09 . This is North called Dean. decade of north american geology. The

169:14 thing with the gravity before. And is the east coast magnetic anomaly.

169:19 just banging through here and then there's there's blake spur, right? They're

169:24 nearly as prominent but extra is just . And then um yeah, so

169:33 are sea floor spreading anomalies out here well. There's actually something here.

169:39 the S anomaly. Is this guy through here. Down through here?

169:47 she broke her area up into five that you can compare. Okay,

169:53 north, north, central, south, central and south here they

169:59 now on the left is her. I think these are both these are

170:06 is the full fit. This is think, oh wait a second.

170:17 , this is the full fit So there's overlaps and gaps. This

170:21 actually she did the whole closing of . Oh wait no the left is

170:27 rigid reconstruction and the right is the fit. Yeah, because so the

170:36 county boundary hit the blue line and for africa and the green line is

170:45 ocean county body for north America. this is the rigid reconstruction. So

170:53 this is done is because if if you think of the earth as kept

171:00 these plates, then that means you define any motion between two plates by

171:07 rotation pole through the center of the and some angle. Right? Any

171:14 plates can be described by a rotation and an angle. I think we

171:19 about that with the two polar wander . Okay, so this is

171:28 this is showing um the beta Now beta factor is basically it is

171:36 um amount of uh it's it's how the crust is. It's the ratio

171:45 thin thin crust over normal crust. ? So as it thins, I'm

171:53 , it's the it's the other way because high beta factors. Right?

171:58 . No one, you know, had it right the first time it's

172:02 amount of thin to thick. so smaller, smaller values are thinner

172:20 . Our blues. So this is shows you how, so the inboard

172:28 here, that's the pre rift That's the that's the the the,

172:35 know, the unstrap etched the under , you know, pre rift thicknesses

172:45 the ocean county boundary is the outboard of this. And then everything in

172:48 here is the deformed part according to cross sectional figure I showed you.

172:56 , where is this? This is cross section, yeah, that goes

173:01 Tennessee. And then along the border Georgia and south Carolina. And

173:06 you know, outboard outboard to um the just past the platform and she's

173:15 this gravity model, it fits She works for a long time on

173:22 . But here you have the different of terrain that are, that have

173:28 , that are that are outcropping. just modeling those dipping down into the

173:34 of the crop, into the, know, and then here here everything

173:38 spinning. And she has some a like crustal group. And there's there's

173:45 reason for that. Um Yeah. then on the other side, another

173:52 through the thin crust. And she's showing how that things over the

174:02 And then um now she's classified in of high intermediate and and minimal vertical

174:15 , basically, the thinnest parts are the and the thickest parts are purple

174:23 in between is this sort of brownish here. And here's a little structural

174:31 of the opening. So basically this this part of africa Mauritanian in Senegal

174:43 . This is all sort of like we extended kind of like the Great

174:47 , you know, like Nevada, the basic range, That's the idea

174:51 that because up here, I mean deformation zone is pretty normal, 2

174:56 300 kilometers across. But down it's like on the order of 500

175:01 . That's 5 64. So you're 700 kilometers. That's, that's the

175:07 of the great basin, that's the of whatever the borders of Nevada and

175:13 know, so that's the, that's we think might be happening here.

175:19 , where am I at here? at, I'm at 4:39. So

175:27 to show you some application of uh, For this full fit,

175:34 full foot is a 3D model awesome this 3D to get to this

175:40 the debate a factor and to close ocean basin is also, you

175:48 modeling. So yeah, any questions this stuff. Um, I don't

176:01 now, it was pretty heavy there the middle. So I just kinda

176:05 go, no, this part was . Like this is good. I'm

176:10 about like in the beginning we were about like all the math stuff of

176:14 third section. Uh um let me back like literally, yeah, stuff

176:24 that. So I just gotta go that again cause I don't really have

176:27 question right now because I don't know if you want just, you

176:33 you can please email me because it force me to, to explain it

176:39 . So yeah, I mean, be happy to answer any, any

176:43 like that. I mean this, mean this rib, I mean,

176:46 mean this stuff is really because I I'm a big time user because it's

176:54 like legible like I understand it. threw it again so I fully understand

177:00 . But it makes sense. Yeah. No, no it's I

177:06 yeah. Right. So here's your thing. So okay. Um I

177:14 the instructions already to send to you . I mean, I don't know

177:20 you wanna if you wanna play around software either you tie, but you're

177:25 welcome to um uh Let's see Uh Okay. I just yeah,

177:37 just said he sent me a Uh yeah 2:41. He said we

177:42 be good. And then um he I'll copy him and then I'll so

177:47 send a note to you this evening um Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

177:58 um right, I'll send that out then it will have instructions for downloading

178:06 installing. And then for I've made comments at the bottom of my email

178:13 how to set things up, basically exercise folder that you um that you

178:23 . I want you to set up project in that folder. So when

178:28 open montage for the first time Oasis the software package, it's it's owned

178:35 this company called sequence. But when open montage and you try to like

178:42 a project, the default is is software bin folder where all where all

178:52 DLL E X. Execute doubles Which is like the craziest thing in

178:57 world to me, why would you the default be like the, I

179:01 why not have it be your desktop crying out loud anyways. Um,

179:07 you, the critical thing is when create a project, navigate to that

179:13 And create the project in there, you want to call it. And

179:17 way when you go to open a , the model that's in the exercise

179:22 , there's like 11 files but it's one model. That's how they're

179:26 It's like tons of files. In case when you go to do

179:32 it will, it will go your will be right there. You won't

179:37 to navigate to find that model. the only tricky part. But uh

179:45 josh sellers is the guy with with and I'll be copying him on the

179:53 the note. And so um uh . So uh just just he says

180:02 out if you have a question and just answer right away for you or

180:07 can ask me first. I mean don't personally, I don't like to

180:10 those guys unless, so he's just really nice. You can ask me

180:15 and then if I don't know when can ask josh, can I download

180:19 on a Mac or Windows only. Windows only. Do you have a

180:24 program. Um, I'll have I know my husband did that for

180:30 one time. I'll have to ask to do it again? Yeah.

180:33 sorry. It's not Mac. It's Yeah. What are you doing with

180:37 McEntire's? Aren't you a geophysicist? realized early on in my undergrad that

180:43 should have gotten a Windows because every , every time we do something with

180:48 , nothing is compatible with Mac. I don't know why I still have

180:52 computer. Yeah. I mean that's . That's yeah. I mean I

180:58 I had him ipad and I hate because you gotta do all that sinking

181:04 everything. I mean I have an and I just plug in a

181:10 right? And it's as a file . Just like anyways, whatever.

181:14 sorry. Anyways. Right. So you can't find a shell, do

181:18 have another way of doing it? don't have a pc at all?

181:24 don't but I can I'll figure I'll you know. I think my mom

181:28 have like a laptop. I don't if I can do Chromebook, I'll

181:32 what I can do. I'll let know if you can borrow one if

181:34 can't. I mean because Yeah, or or I mean one of those

181:41 programs works. I know they were have done it. No.

181:45 My husband did it for me one when I took remote sensing because I

181:48 used the N. V. Um So I'll talk to him and

181:51 see if he can do it for again. Okay. Alright. So

181:56 why I mean you might be able get everything set up by tomorrow but

182:00 already changed the schedule and I think just to be safe to make sure

182:06 have time to get everything organized. know the downloaded get the shell

182:11 get it installed blah blah blah. know that way because I mean you

182:16 we're gonna be starting at eight o'clock the morning. I mean 8 30

182:20 the morning and and it's a little in the day to try to do

182:25 . But I mean it's a yeah don't want to go into the details

182:31 what the problem was but anyways um it's it's resolved and I told Don

182:38 is happy. So I just I his note just now too so it

182:44 like it looks like the you know can breathe a sigh of relief now

182:50 I fixed it. I fixed the and I also and then you've got

182:57 slides that you know what we went this. I didn't have to fix

183:00 . Maybe I will later after you questions. So. Okay so alright

183:06 then I guess we're good until um tomorrow morning at 8 30 then.

183:13 good. I'll be on time I . Okay. Alright see you

183:20 Good
